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I shook my head in the mirror, not wanting it to happen. My parents were gone for a week, saying that they needed to spend time together. It was a horrible idea in my opinion. How could they leave me and Black alone, knowing that he could do it all again? In a way I was feeling ease, since he was throwing a party tonight. I wasn't happy with it, and I knew I had to clean in the morning, but we weren't alone and that was what mattered. I heard them sound-checking before I heard my door open. Anger started to raise inside of me when I saw his face.

"Don't you dare to come downstairs tonight" Black said, to which I rolled my eyes.

"As if I wanted to" I replied and he just left, without saying anything more. Normally he would make sure that I regretted replying but that night he didn't. I locked my door, knowing that hormonal drunk teenagers would come upstairs. I had already locked the rest of the rooms except for Black's. I sat down on my desk, turning my laptop on to work on my project. It had been a few days since Noah and I worked on it. The days after I just did my other homework so I wouldn't have to do it this weekend.

I opened the file, looking at where I had left it. We had decided that we would only search for Islam and Christianity, since the part of religion was only a small part of the project. He didn't want Islam at first.

"We could use Islam, since that is so different yet close to the others. It is supposedly the last religion that came so we could see the difference between them" I said, remembering of the things my friend Seda told me. She was a muslim, and sometimes we would have short talks about it. She never brought it up herself, only did when you asked. Even then she was cautious because of all the racism that was going on.

"No" he said immediately after I suggested it. He shook his head, as if he didn't want to hear it. He then looked at me with his blue eyes before saying it again.

"No, not happening" his eyes held such emotion that was so difficult to read. It was foreign, unknown. It was anger, sadness, longing- all of it mixed. I had never seen eyes so blue yet so black that it was killing it with the emotions.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, trying to calm the storm in his eyes with my soft voice. It may have been a unreasonable reason, but my nature told me to do that.

"I won't search into things of terrorists" he replied simply, as if it was super normal. This made me angry. Judging people was never my intention and never something I encouraged. You couldn't judge people based on their looks. You couldn't judge people based on their past. You couldn't judge people based on their background. You needed to judge people based on their personality. You needed to judge people based on their good deeds.

"Don't tell me you are one of these people too. I had never expected that from you" I replied, feeling disappointed. I knew he was open-minded. I knew he wasn't the one to judge from all the times we shared our own perspectives of things.

"Why?" he asked me, wanting to know why I wouldn't have expected it. His eyes were curious now, raising an eyebrow as if they were challenging me.

"Because I always thought that you wouldn't be the one who would stoop low to judge people before even seeing them. You judge an entire nation, entire religion- 1.7 billion people based on their beliefs without even meeting them" I said. He was quiet for a second, taking in what I had said.

"If that religion wasn't here, no one would die because of it" he replied, to which I rolled my eyes.

"As I said, there are 1.7 billion muslims in the world. If they were encouraged to kill, don't you think we all would be dead by now?" I said and he looked away, knowing that I was right. I took this as a challenge, since I didn't want to make him feel bad for being caught. I wanted him to realize that it was wrong what he was thinking.

Broken Blue Balloons    (Islamic Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now