Karasuma only nodded as he watched the intensity of the gift gradually increase.

Which each second passing your heart only started to beat faster and faster as you watched Karma move. Any of those moves could of killed Karma or severely injure him, and you couldn't help but grow cold.

Only clutching onto his jacket he gave you, you only hopped he would come out unscratched.

The man then stopped his attacks.

"This could go on forever, when are you going to make your move hm?"

Karma only giggled.

"Maybe I'm distracting you so little by little everyone can escape without you realizing..... But...."

Karma then cracked his knuckles. Evident that he was preparing himself.

"Don't worry. There's no underhanded hyjinx here, it's my turn now..."

Karma then proceeded to take stance.

"Bare handed alongside with you, well fight hand to hand combat. Man to man, fair and square."

"I like that face you show off young warrior, hm. Alright let's go hm. With you I might have a chance at a fair fight, hm which is fairly rare in the assassination bizz, hm."

The moment he finished his sentence you watched in awe as Karma swiftly attacks and dodges the mans hits. Throwing a kick in the air you could only stare at the boy.

Karma was strong, undeniably smart, he had reasonings, he was attractive. You couldn't help but blush a little as you watched the boy do his magic.

Karma then kicked the man where the sun don't shine. The male then hunched over onto his knee.

This gave Karma an opening.

"He's going to win!" Nagisa exclaimed.

But then it happened.

You felt your heart stop beating.

Karma was sprayed with the gas.

You watched as his body unconsciously fall to the ground. Along side with the container the gas held.

The man grabbed him by his hair.

"It's over hm."

"T-thats unfair! You said you'd fight hand to hand!" You exclaimed angrily.

"Because of you... because of you! K-karma might n-not...."

"Listen little lady, I don't like drawn out fights hm. So I thought I'd give some of smogs gas a try hm."

"Y-you... Monster!"

"Now now am I the monster hm? You have to kill the being that destroyed the moon correct hm? Who makes that the monster now hm? Unknowingly being sprayed with gas at point blank range, there's no way to- HM!"

Without even noticing yourself Karma had pulled out the same container the gas was contained in. He sprayed the man roughly around 5 inches away from his face, you saw the smoke enter through both his nostrils and his mouth.


You called out.

Karma only had the pink hanker chief you had handed over to him close to his mouth, blocking the gas from entering his system.

"Looks like we're thinking of the same thing mister~" Karma teased as he gave the hanker chief a quick peck before putting it back into his pocket.

"D-did he just.. No he didn't kiss it..." was all you thought as you let your blush eat you alive.

"H-how did you avoid my gas hm....."

You hear the noise of a knife being unsheathed as the man rushes towards Karma.


Karma proceeded to easily avoid the man and render him unable to move. He pinned him with his arm locked behind his back.

He only smiled as he called for the other boys to join in, watching as the all of the other guys brought out some duct tape and proceeded to jump onto the male.

You were still zoned out, what just happened?


"K-Karma~!" The boy non other then Karma himself teased.

"I was worried ok?! What if you got hurt like Karasuma?!" You retorted.

"Haha its ok, thanks for the hanker chief. I wouldn't of survived without you." Karma replied genuinely.

"H-hey Karma?"

"Hm what is it shorty?"

"Why did you uh.... never mind!" You quickly decided not to ask why he planted a kiss on the hanker chief, instead you ran over to Kayano to avoid being awkward with the boy himself.

Yet unknowingly, both of you did the exact same thing.

You, pulling his jacket closer to inhale his scent, calming yourself.

Karma taking out the hanker chief and breathing in your smell, relaxing himself.

Yet it was ironic, you both were avoiding each other, or were you just enduring the feelings pressed inside?

My Endurance (Karma Akabane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now