Lillian's healing.

Start from the beginning

Ping watched as Lillian's tiny hand reached up and took hold of Brody's, "Are we ready to depart Miss Lillian." Brody asked with a small smile. Lillian looked over her shoulder back at her grandfather and gave him a small smile, "This isn't goodbye, this is see you later." Lillian grinned. Ping nodded his head, "You'll be back before you know it." Ping smiled.

Ping watched as Brody's great silver wing's extended and caused a shadow to fall over the beach. Lillian's small wings fluttered as Brody lifted into the sky, "See you soon master Ping." Brody said with a wave.

And with that... Brody and Lillian soared through the dimming sky towards the sky temple, a place where Lillian would learn so many things and meet friends that will stand by her, forever....


Lillian's body stirred as Crest began her next healing session. Crest bent a large volume of water that surrounded her entire body. Crest's forehead beaded with sweat, he was still too weak but he was determined to help her, the same way she has helped him so many times before. The water around Lillian's body began to glow a light blue as Lillian's wounds began healing. The scars on her right arm became lighter and the wound on her torso from Merci-lee's dragon blade slowly glowed and her flesh slowly closed up but, it wasn't enough. Crest collapsed to his knees and the once clear water splashed to the floor with a dull green color, "Silly Lilly... You took on so many battles alone.. Your chi is in such termoil." Crest whispered rubbing his temples. Suddenly Lillian took a deep breath causing her chest to rise. Lillian released her breath slowly and then her breathing went back to normal. Crest's head fell back as he stared at the ceiling, "Don't worry Lilly, I'll fix you up real good." Crest whispered.


-Lillian dream continued-

Brody led Lillian to a large room at the top the temple, "You should rest Miss, I will come to call on you in the morning." Brody said with his hand on his heart. Lillian's eyes nearly popped out of her head, "Is this my room?" Lillian gasped in wonder. Brody nodded with a smile before leaving the room and Lillian.

Lillian squealed as she ran towards the large king size bed and jumped on the silver silk sheets, "It's soooo soft!" Lillian mewed. Lillian walked around her room that was actually the size of grandpa Ping's house!

Lillian shuffled towards her balcony that looked over the meditation waterfalls, "Wow, it's so beautiful." Lillian said amazed as she gazed over the unlit lanterns. The sun was setting causing the evening sky to be a light purple.

A small yawn escaped Lillian causing her eyes to water, "Maybe I should do as Brody says and get some rest." Lillian whispered but a mischievous grin fell across her face, "buuuut, some exploring won't hurt." Lillian smirked before skipping out of her room.


Ling walked in to find Crest one the floor, "Oh for Omashu's sake Crest!" Ling growled marching towards his limp body, "I told you to take it slow!" Ling hissed lifting Crest over her shoulder. But when Ling's eyes fell on Lillian's nearly fully healed body, she understood, "You went all out.... Didn't you?" Ling whispered looking down at the unconscious Crest.


-Lillian's Dream-

Lillian ran down the hallways at lightning speed, "this place is so huge!" Lillian yelled running in between the pillars of the temples. Lillian used her fire bending to increase her speed and literally flew down the halls. But when Lillian turned the last corner she slammed into to something... "What the heck!" Shrieked a girls voice, more like she ran into someone... "What's your problem Ash-maker!" A short brunette haired girl screeched pulling up her sleeves. Lillian raised her hands in defence, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you the-" But Lillian was interrupted when a small rock flew passed her head, "Hey! What's your problem?" Lillian growled taking her own stance, "I said I was sorry!" Lillian huffed as her fists became engulfed in flames. But the girl hesitated at the sight before her. Lillian's fire lit up the space around the girls revealing Lillian's blonde hair, "Oh... forgive me!" The girls apologised as she fell to her knees. Lillian sweat dropped, "uh... what are you doing?" Lillian gawked at the girl on her knees, "Please forgive me princess for attacking you!" The girl begged, "Whoa! You must have me confused with someone else." Lillian said helping the girl up, "My Names Lillian, what's yours?" Lillian smiled at the short girl, "Uh... my name is Ling Shu, I am an earth tenshi, but uh... you already knew that." Ling said nervously rubbing her neck. Lillian smiled, "I'm a fire tenshi!" Lillian cheered grabbing Ling's hand, "You're the first person I've met besides Brody." Lillian shrugged causing Ling to raise her brow, "When did you get here?" Ling inquired. Lillian tapped her chin in thought, "About.... 30 minutes ago!" Lillian smirked as Ling's jaw dropped, "And the first thing you do is go running around a strange place!?!?" Ling gasped. Lillian shrugged, "I don't do well with rules." Lillian winked. Ling stared at her baffled, "Well... I guess we're going to get along Famously!" Ling grinned weaving her arm with Lillian and skipping back to their rooms.

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