"Wow" I whisper.

"He did pretty good didn't he" a voice asks. I look up and see Ciara standing in the door. Her long black hair curled and pinned up. She wore a pretty long red dress and her make up was done nice. She looked amazing.

"Anthony picked this out" I ask a bit shocked.

"I helped a little but this one was all him" she says.

"He really planned a whole wedding for today" I ask and she nods.

"Every last detail" she says.

"So what happens next" I wonder.

"I'm going to do your hair and make up. Nothing crazy, Anthony said not to go over board because you don't need it so I'm going to try my best to stay subtle. Then we're going to get you dressed and ready to go" she says.

"Okay... lets do this" I smile.

She sits me in the chair in front of the mirror and starts on my hair. She straightens it before putting them in loose curls and pinning a few back.

"I can't believe I'm getting married today, I don't even have vows ready" I remember.

"You'll be fine. There's forty people here and they've all heard you say something worse than what you could say out there today" she insists.

"Tell me about the wedding" I say dreamily.

"I can't say much. Just that you're going to love it all. And keeping nicholas' mouth shut was impossible" she laughs.

"I can only imagine. Is Anthony nervous" I ask.

"He's a mess but Jon is trying to calm him down. He just wants to make you happy" she explains.

"He could take me to Vegas to get married and I would be happy" I defend.

"I know, but he wants you to have the best ya ever" she insists.

She finishes my hair and make up and I slip into the dress. I throw on a pair of heels and turn to the mirror. She puts the vail on and I smile big.

"You are so fucking pretty" she claims and I laugh.

"Thank you. I can't believe this is happening" I sigh. After everything that's happened finally some good comes my way.

"Lets get you down there shall we" she says and I nod.

"Lets do this" I exclaim.

We get down the church and I stand behind the doors. A few of my friends from either school or the organization stood there in beautiful brightly colored dresses. Ciara hands me my bouquet which was a bunch of flowers of different colors.

"Is this a rainbow wedding" I piece together.

"Yeah" Ciara tells me.

"Oh that's so cool" I admit. I really want to cry but I can't, not yet.

The parties walk in and I wait for the music to start. I stand there and realize that I have no one to walk me down the isle.

I feel a tug on my dress and look down to see Nicholas in a suit and a blue tie, blue was his favorite color anyway.

"May i" he asks reaching his hand up. I take his hand in mine and it made me smile bigger than I thought was possible.

"Of course" I nod.

"You look like a princess" he claims.

"Thank you. You like a handsome little gentleman" I admit.

Heart of Gold (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now