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You woke up to the sound of your alarm on the bedside table. You quickly turned it off then blinked a few times before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

It was the first day of your first year in high school. So you decided to wake up early, two hours before that school day to be exact,not wanting to be late for your first day.

Well even though you were that type of person who didn't really care about what people thought or said, you were careful of not breaking any rules at school or making trouble. You didn't need the useless attention of the teachers, the principal or whoever it could be.

You took a shower, did your morning routine then went back to the bedroom with a towel around you.

You looked at your uniform for a few seconds, then took it and got dressed. You looked at the mirror to see how it looked on you. It looked good on you, just like many things you wore.

You then looked at your face, people always said you were beautiful. Wearing make up, wasn't really a habit of yours. In your logic, skincare was the important part. Many would smile to themselves seeing a rather satisfying reflection.. But your expression didn't match that, it was blank.

Being beautiful was a bit of a struggle to you.

Most of the teenagers get nervous or excited for their first day of high school but you felt nothing but emptiness.

It was just a new page, a new page blank one.

You sighed softly then went to the kitchen to prepare your breakfast.

After preparing and eating your breakfast. You then returned to your room did your bed and grabbed your bag and phone. You headed to the front door and took your keys and wore your shoes, a glancing at the clock.

40 minutes left. Damn, what did I do in an hour and twenty minutes.

You thought, frowning a little, then locked your apartment and left.

You called your driver to tell him to not bother coming to drive you to school, which he just obeyed without trying knowing that it would be useless with you.

You decided to take the bus to kill time not wanting to arrive too early, plus you wanted to walk a little bit.
When you arrived at the bus stop your bus was already there so you climbed and took a seat next to the window and put your earplugs and started listening to some music. Being a rather quiet person, your taste in music matched that. You kept looking at the pretty unfamiliar area of the city.

You just moved in a few days ago and didn't even finish unpacking. You used to live with your grandfather before.

You were from a rich family. Would've probably lived an amazing life, getting everything you wanted, at anytime you wanted, but that wasn't exactly the case for you.

In the beginning, you lived a happy life, with lovely parents who were amazing and loved each other, a beautiful sight to see. That was until your father became alcoholic.

Quarrels between them became something you were used to hearing. Finding your mother crying all alone became a habit. His frequent violence was also part of all of.

His problem incomprehensible. It was a really sudden change. He always came home late, drunk, sometimes, he didn't even come home.

At first, when he got mad, he was just hitting an object to scare her, but at a point he hit her sometimes.

You loved your mother so much. Even with all she was going through she was always soft, loving and caring towards you.

Her actions and hard work made her a perfect to many people, but most of all, you.

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