70. Living with the walker boys

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Title: Living With The Walker Boys

Author: knightsrachel

Rating: 1.5/10

Status: Completed

Genre: Teen Fiction

Quote: *Something super generic like Zoe baker is yada yada yada not your average girl ect. ect.*

* I like the author I think they're a really nice person and I understand that they wrote this a good few years ago and have developed their writing but I just needed to rant about this book somewhere. *

God I hate this book. Nothing against the author but this book, this book isn't worth reading unless you want to claw your eyes out with a spoon and slap Zoe Baker with a hot knife that you just pulled out of a molten cupcake.

This book is the literal definition of the dude on Mario Kart who starts driving backwards on the track thinks they're in the lead, is doing amazing and thinks they're going to win the race when in reality everyone else thinks they're the definition of stupid and wants to go up to the wheels of their Kart and shove knives into their wheels so they deflate and hopefully end up in a wall with several head injuries.

I hate Zoe. Passionately hate her because she's so stupid, so clingy and so fucking inconsistent it actually hurts to read.

"I'm sorry I thought when you made out with a girl she was automatically your girlfriend."

Like no it doesn't fucking work like that you're stupid. It's like she lived under a rock her whole life. Her dialogue also sucks and no has ever gone up to someone on the first day and gone;

"You insulted the hot popular boy lets be best friends."

Nobody does that. Nobody. This book is so unrealistic if you're going to write a book set in a modern day high school at leat try and make it a little bit accurate if it's not a fantasy school or an academy for killers.

Also she is the definition of Mary-Sue and I swear you could replace her with a broccoli and the plot wouldn't change at all.

Don't even get me started on the grammar I wanted to shove grammarly in the authors face and show them the fucking difference between Would and Could.

Also having diabetes isn't a secret. I have family members who have diabetes, hell I have friends who have diabetes and none of them have ever made a big deal out of it by making it some dramatic secret that no one should ever know.

You're making plot drama out of a normal problem for some people.

I just hate this book. The characters are so stereotypical and blander than plain pasta. All the walker boys are the same in my mind. Literally there isn't anything that differentiates between them.

I have no emotional investment in this book and would rather watch paint dry.

I've never met a protagonist that I hate more than Zoe she's the definition of awful human being. She frequently goes around slut shaming women and that's so not okay.

It's not isn't to call a waitress a 'whore' because she checked out her boyfriend and it's not okay to call a girl who likes to make out with her boyfriend or sleep with different people and embrace sex as human nature a slut or a whore. It's so fucking wrong I wanted to slap her.

Annnddd to top of how much this protagonist annoys me she is 16 years old and acts like she's seven. Please just stop.

You can tell the plot from the first FUCKING CHAPTER like at least try to be original!


I never would've guessed that! The dad then genetically explains all the boys. Older one lives in collage has girlfriend is engaged or some shit, next one is 18. The the 17 year old they don't 'talk' about! Generic love interest #1.

Then the bad boy 16 year old quarterback! Oh no! He has a sad past! Generic love interest #2!

The generic twins come next and then the cute baby that everyone loves.

They all think this plain ass pasta brick girl is like the best and they all fall in love with her but she gets with a generic love interest #1!

He then cheats on her! ( THERE ARE OTHER FUCKING WAYS TO BREAK UP WITH SOMEONE IN A BOOK JESUS NOT EVERY GUYS A SLEZE BAG! STOP PORTRAYING MEN AS DICKS! ) She goes running to other love interest and they make out!

Generic jealousy!

She picks one and they love happily ever after and no one would give a shit if you all 'mysteriously' fell off a cliff.

I'm not going to recommend this book ( nothing against the author because you can tell effort went in to the book even if the plot is so cliched and dry ) because I didn't enjoy it and you can't tell someone to read something that's boring and expect them to like it.

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