3. Agent 13

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Title: Agent 13

Author: Quidam13

Rating: 9/10

Status: Completed

Genre: Action

Quote: "With all due respect sir, adding a new member to this team will only slow us down."

"On the contrary, if anything your team will slow her down."


I love this series. I'm all for a strong female character like 13. She's a personality you grow to love over time. The book is mysterious and complex with lots of twists and turns.

You fall in love with the boys. Chase, Jason, Cody and Devin. They're all amazing well written characters that just make you laugh and scream at them over and over again. Especially Devin. His personally is weird and wonderful. A jokester at heart. He's my personal favourite.

You invest your self in the relationship of 13 and one of the boys. How little romance there is but when there is romance between the two has the whole fandom just exploding into a million tiny pieces of epicness!

The reason this isn't 10/10 is because of how confusing the plot line is. There is very little use of names of characters occasionally in the book. Mainly it's just numbers. This can get very confusing after a while and there are lots of unanswered questions that run through the book. It's a very action packed mystery packed book that gets you hooked from the start, it makes you want to solve every mystery ever presented to you during the plot line.

There is a crap ton of mystery in this book and lots of secretes to uncover.

All in all I wish I had thirteens fighting skills and flawless sarcasm.

I can only dream....

Well not about the sarcasm thing.

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