Chapter 19

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Last Chapter !! :O read the authors not at the bottom !

Chapter 19

I was in love with Brodie Bennett. Oh my fudge sticks I was he was going to die and he'd never know it.

Zach ran in and pushed me aside. I stood in shock next to the nurses equipment where was he now. A paramedic ran into the room. Shouting we needed to get him to the hospital

But Zach refused.

"Sam" he shouted at me

I nodded and looked at him "Go to Brodie's kit in the front pocket there's something that looks like a pen get it now run" he said I ran out of the room and down the tunnel to the locker room I searched for his bag his number on the side. I tore open the bag seeing lots of white packages but looked for the little pen. I grabbed the stainless steal tube and flew bag up the corridor and into the room.

The paramedic was standing by with a tank of oxygen which I hopped he wouldn't need. Zach popped of the lid revelling a needle and plunged it into his arm I let out a little yelp not knowing what he was doing.

Brodie's eyelids fluttered and his eyes creaked open.

"Hey bud" Zach said I let out the breath of air I had been holding in.

"Ma'am he needs something like a burger or hotdog can you get two of them from the concessions" he asked the paramedic and she reluctantly got up and left.

Brodie chest was rising and falling pretty slow. I had to double check to make sure he was breathing. Zach noticed too reaching over putting the mask round his face. The rush of adrenaline from playing plus whatever this was could put him into shock.

"Sam pass us the scissors" I obediently got him the scissors and knelt by his side watching as he cut Brodie's shirt open. His lower stomach was covered in streaks of blood. He unfastened his pads slipping them over his head.

"Other side" Brodie groaned taking the mask of after having it on For a grand three minutes.

Zach rolled him over and his back was torn to pieces. He picked up a little white box throwing it up onto the table.

"Dam, that first hit it must have come out huh" he asked

"Dam bastard the needle kept digging in now bad does it look" Brodie replied

"It looks worse with the blood everywhere"

Zach pulled him up onto the edge of the table just as the paramedic walked back in two burgers in hand. Brodie had them gone in five minutes flat. He showed the paramedic his back and she sterilised all the cuts and wrapped some gauze around his back after sticking in another White box. At this point I was severally confused my best friend the guy I like so much nearly died in my eyes at least and I had no idea of what was going on.

The game finished and Zach walked out to talk to coach myers. The paramedic finished up and walked out with so much as a goodbye.

"Suppose you want to know what just happened" he said looking up from the ground.

"Yeah I guess it would just be a help" I replied

"I have diabetes" he mumbled

"You have diabetes" I copied his answer

"Yeap type 2 diabetes you know all those times I'm late for class all the days I feel and act like shit the welt in my back every time we go swimming that's diabetes" He grimaced not wanting to believe what he was saying

"These little White boxes contain insulin it's what keeps me breathing that night at the hospital I didn't eat anything my blood sugar was low and if I wasn't where I was I could have slipped into a coma" he looked at me sadly

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