Chapter 8 (Pool picture)

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Sam’s pov

I sat there staring around the back of the classroom the mumble of George in the background going on about something completely irrelevant. No one was here. No Parker no Blake no Caleb and no Brodie for the second time today I was beginning to wonder if they where ditching me on purpose I mean why else it the classes he has with me too so it was a logical approach. Maybe my sense of humour and stupid remarks grew old fast. It would certainly explain a lot.

I heard the door swing open and George turn on his heal to see who walked through the door. I looked up from the desk where I was twirling my pencil in my hands to the tall dark figure that was in the frame. There in head to foot of evil was Scottie. The Scottie I had whacked in the baby maker publicly. Before I had time to ingest this new information George spoke up.

"Ah nice of you to join us sir, I see you couldn't bother to come to class yesterday"

"Prior arrangements" he grinned looking round the class hoping to spot someone he knew I ducked keeping my head as low as possible trying to avoid his searching eyes.

I heard a thud next to me. Great either a very small meteor had just landed in the seat next to me or Scottie had. I looked up no such look there he was, Mr. Bad boy himself.

I snuck a glance at his appearance out of the corner of my eye. His brown hair sat just on top of his collar seemed lighter than yesterday it's hanging in waves over his ears. His leather jacket hung of his shoulders as he leaned forward in the chair the muscles in his stomach tightened around the grey T-shirt and his low swung jeans gave him the gangster look.

"You know you keep looking at me like that you may burn a hole right through me" I felt my cheeks heat up as the blood flooded to them. I whipped my head away quickly looking back into the nothingness.

"Sorry about yesterday, I’m not really a jerk you know" he whispered leaning over in his chair.

I raised my eyebrows "Really and who exactly says you’re not a jerk" I usually don’t judge but the opinion of 1000 of so students plus teachers outweighed his.

"Em me for one .But seriously I'm not a jerk"

"Well how come everyone says you are then" getting slightly irritated.

"It's just an imposing thing I like being the hard guy" he shrugged I gave him my best dubious look.

"So you’re telling me the population of this school are all wrong and you’re the sugarplum fairy" I pointed at him.

"Yeah that’s exactly what I'm saying"

"Whatever" him trying to reconcile that he was a good guy was getting boring.

"Hi I'm Scottie Welker and you are"

He just wouldn't give up.

"Hi Scottie Welker I'm Sam Manning nice to meet you"

"Now see where friends" he said satisfied with himself.

I wasn't prepared to let him be my friend no matter how nice he was the guy had a reputation that out ranked any kind of niceness or his own personal opinion.

We both turned back to the board waiting for the class to finish so to end George’s monotonous ramblings.

When I thought life couldn't get any more boring the ding of the bell rang out just as George was reaching the pinnacle of his story about his adventures in South Africa and the native tribes.

I jumped up swiping the handout of the desk throwing my bag over my shoulder and turned walking out the door getting past the crowds of people when I felt hand grab my arm.

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