The Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover Challenge

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So for those of you who don't know, there is a really super retarded challenge called the Don't judge a book by its cover challenge. Now, can we all notice the fact that I said it was retarded? This has to be one of the biggest 2017 flops I've seen all year (Don't worry, we will be talking about Jake Paul somewhere in the future. Probably when he does something really retarded. In other words, tomorrow). But if you don't believe me, then I'm just gonna have to show you some real life examples. Please watch all the way through, it actually stars to get funny about 2 minutes in.

If you watched the video, you saw 2 things happen.

Either it looked like they were about to do something and they didn't do it, or it looked like they were gonna do something and they did do it. Or they told you they weren't gonna pour milk in their cereal and put bleach in it instead. 

But here is why this challenge is dumb. What these people are doing has nothing to do with the famous phrase "don't judge a book by its cover." Let me give you a real life example of the phrase. When I looked at the cover of the book Wonder, I thought it was going to be about a kid that wonders about things. But it ended up being about a kid with a messed up face. The message I'm trying to get to you guys is that when they say book, I'm pretty sure they mean BOOK! And even if they don't mean book, here is another reason this "challenge" is dumb. It's not even challenging! Anybody can take their TRACKFONE and just film one of these.

Also what you guys probably noticed most of all were these lame examples they had with them. I don't care what point you are trying to make. If you are holding scissors right up to your hair and you are a regular person not making a YouTube video, you are probably about to cut your hair off! That is what anybody in the world of living would guess!

So if you are thinking about doing some lame challenge that doesn't do anything like go to charity or help you raise money for some type of fund raiser, let me give you some advice. DON'T!  You will just embarrass yourself. Maybe even worse then It's Everyday Bro................

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