Thank You.....Again

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I can't believe it! I can't frikin believe it! We just now hit 400 views!
We literally hit 300 this morning!
But right now I don't know what I could give as a reward that's as good as this!
Here's another YouTube favorite. BERLEEZY!
Berleezy isn't exactly kid friendly, so viewer discretion is DEFINITELY advised!
Berleezy does a lot of exposed videos! This one is the Magic School Bus. Enjoy!

If your not comfortable watching him, here's a regular episode of the Magic School Bus.

I don't know what else to say.
Wait I know now.
Since we are hitting the 100s like crazy, I'm only gonna do thank you parts when we hit 1000s!
So if you what more thank yous, make sure you tell your friends to start reading some of my books.
Thank you!

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