"I will."

Kongpob returned without his manager and smiled like nothing happened. Arthit didn't think anything was wrong and accompanied the male actor.

Time passed so quickly when you're having fun, Kongpob thought. He had forgotten about the time and was now in a rush to get ready for the next scene of the shoot.

"P' can you help me with this?" The actor pointed at the black tie hanging around his neck. He was playing the second male lead and his role was an intern in his upcoming series.

Kongpob arched his neck letting Arthit fix his tie. He could do it himself but he just wanted to be closer to the older male. They couldn't always meet so this was a rare opportunity he would not miss.

Arthit reached out and seriously fixed the younger male's tie. He had not realized the intimacy and closeness the simple action created. Kongpob was grinning from ear to ear and cannot help himself make a comment about it.

"It feels like I'm the husband and you're the wife."

The word 'wife' had Arthit acting in reflex. He let go of the man's tie and smacked the actor's head in retaliation. When he realized what he did, Kongpob looked at him in shock, unable to say a word.

Arthit opened his mouth and then closed it. He couldn't find the words as he was shock that he really did that.

A couple of seconds passed before the silence was broken by Kongpob's laugh, caught by surprise of Arthit's reaction. He really did not expect to be scolded in such a way. It never crossed his mind that his friend had violent tendencies. Arthit had always been nice and stoic. Sometimes, the older male got embarrassed but violent in a non-angry way? This was a first.

Arthit looked away and tightened Kongpob's tie intentionally as revenge. "You should really learn to do that yourself."

"I already know how to do my tie, but I like it better when you're doing it for me."

"Kongpob!" Arthit admonished the younger male but the actor didn't seem to mind his warning. Instead, he smiled cheekily and boldly pinched the older male's cheeks.

At the sight of that smile, Arthit was powerless. He couldn't get angry. His cheeks were undeniably warm and his heart had once again beat so fast that he got a little winded as if he had ran.

Kongpob's playfulness disappeared completely once the shoot began. Arthit was able to watch quietly from the sidelines. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to see the filming process upclose and Kongpob's acting skills. He had hoped this day would come but he did not expect for it to happen that day.

Even at their age, he couldn't believe that Kongpob was this skilled. He hadn't been in the acting business long but one could tell that he has the gift. Arthit was sure that in a couple more years, the male celebrity would be able to get bigger roles and surpass his current fame.

"So you're telling me that you deserve her? Then prove it. And I'll do my best to steal her from you." This a line Kongpob said to the male lead. They were both employees competing for the heart of the female lead, who was the heiress of the company.

The personality Kongpob exudes in his character was an impulsive new graduate who wasn't scared of obstacles. He's cocky but there's is a certain charm.

"Cut!" The director announced. "Prepare for the next scene."

Both the male lead and Kongpob breathed out a sigh of relief. Makeup artists swarmed the two actors and retouched their makeups. All other staff quickly checked the progress and prepared for the next scene.

Kongpob joined the director and watched the scene they've just taped. He was so serious as he evaluated his own performance. Arthit merely watched quietly, not wanting to hinder the production's progress.

It was Arthit's first time to see such a side to the male celebrity. One couldn't help especially a fan such as himself to admire the male more. It really felt like if he was a woman, he would have definitely threw himself at him. This thought made him chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Arthit jumped in surprise. Kongpob was already standing beside him.

Arthit shook his head. "It's nothing. How's the progress?"

"There's a couple more minutes of footage needed to be filmed. It will still take a couple more hours."

"I'll wait for you." Arthit decided. He would never admit it, but he kinda missed talking to the guy face to face.

"Really?" Kongpob grabbed his arm and smiled. It was as if the younger male couldn't believe his ears.

"Well... why not? It's not like I have a lot to do tomorrow. Are you hungry? I can buy something for you." Tomorrow was the weekend. He didn't have much to do since the exams had just finished.

"No need. P'Jane can buy it, if needed. Just stay here with me. It can get boring while waiting for the next scene. Usually, I just take a nap."

"Then sleep. "

"But you're here. It would be a waste of your time if I just sleep."

Arthit couldn't stop him hand from lightly hitting Kongpob for being foolish. "You need your rest. My schedule isn't as hectic as yours so stop being stubborn and take your rest. Your manager will get angry at me if I become a bad influence on you."

Kongpob couldn't argue with Arthit with that. He pouted and brought the older male to where he currently spends his time to rest. It was a an open space where pillows were scattered. Kongpob immediately laid down and surprised Arthit by dragging him down with him.

Arthit felt like his heart stopped when Kongpob made another surprising move. The actor used Arthit's lap as a pillow. Arthit froze. It was confusing why of all places, the younger male chose his lap. There were a lot of pillows that he could use.

Before he could even ask why, Kongpob spoke. "Just let me sleep here."

Arthit was flabbergasted but kept his lips shut. Kongpob made himself comfortable and quickly fell asleep.

The older male couldn't move in fear to wake the younger one. He helplessly stared at the ceiling and tried not to concentrate at the warm head on his lap, but it was hard not to. The hair on Kongpob's head tickled his lap and he could feel the warmth seeping through his pants  that was heading straight to his heart. The warm feeling brought this unexplained feeling that Arthit  couldn't explain and was afraid to define what it was.

Arthit just stared at the ceiling as he wallow in his thoughts. It didn't take long before he fell asleep.

The two didn't notice something flashing in their direction.


I just want to thank everyone with all my heart for giving my story a chance. I know there are a lot of errors and cliche scenes. I hope that at least, it made you guys smile.


I think it's going to get a lot cheesier.
And before I forget, a certain 2moons character will make another appearance 😊😘

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