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24. Guys are tigers in their peer groups but become tamed pussy with their girlfriends.

Rafa: This depends on the situation actually. I don’t/won’t act she’s-the-boss whenever my girl would be around. She has to see the though side of me and at the same time let her know what are the things she does to me. On the other note, pussy’s my favorite pet and I’m good at taming them ha ha.

[Luca: Pussy tamer huh? I know a friend who needs help taking care of pussies. Are you on? I think she has ten, man.]

[Troy: Hey you two. Tame yourselves. If you want pussies, I’ll call the vet to give you each.]

[Luca: Nah, I don’t need it.]

[Rafa: Dudes, are you fucking serious?! Are you taking it literally? Common on don’t play dumb on me.]

[Luca: Not Blonde. WHOLESOME PLEASE!]

[Troy: Read my lips…. Horny Ass]

Luca: It depends. Maybe guys tend to act like that with their girlfriends around because they want to impress. Since most girls prefer nice and sweet guys. Some don’t since they want to show to their girl how manly they are even with other people around them. Just to make her feel that she’s safe with him since he got the tiger traits. 

[Rafa: So you are what?]

[Luca: I’m a bear.]

[Rafa/Troy: Eh?]

[Luca: Adorable, huggable, cuddle-able, and at the same willing to fight just to protect what’s mine.]

[Rafa: So I can conclude, you’re round and stout ha ha]

[Troy: Anymore good comebacks Rafa?]

[Rafa: Shut up!!]

Troy: Two words, “I’m Whipped!”

[Rafa: That’s all?]

[Troy: nods]

25. A guy’s friend knows everything about him. Use this to your advantage.

Rafa: Yeah use me as an advantage. I know all the good and stinky sides of these two jackos. So if you wanna get to know them and want to know if they are likable, who you gonna call? Ehem R-A-F-A ehem ha ha

Luca: This has good point. Enough said.

Troy: This is a good way of giving you heads up.

26. Guys cry!!!

Rafa: I do, but not in front of you of course. And I cry depending on the situation.

Luca: Boys do cry. We’re humans with emotions. That explains everything (:

Troy: Yeah. But it’s a one-time thing. Meaning, cry once after that no more.

27.Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

Rafa: I give 100 points to this statement. There might be thousand of fishes in the sea, but there’s only one you for me. Remember, when hearts involve, there’s only one room for it and it will always the girl who occupied that space. ;)

[Luca: Ahaha says the big flirt. But to be all fair, he is.]

[Rafa: I know Iam.]

[Troy: When the flirt Rafa talks, believe? Haaha!]

Luca: If you love and care for your girl, there’s no need for flirting. Although, jealousy is good sometimes, since it’s a good test for relationship and flirting is inevitable. And this is true. No matter how many times flirt people appear, it’s always her who he goes home and looks for at the end and everyday.

[Rafa: Boys will be boys. Flirting is part of it. Just admit it Luca]

[Luca: What to admit? I flirt? I’m Mr. Congeniality not Mr. Flirt]

[Troy: It all belongs to Rafa. He took it all.]

Troy: Flirting is unavoidable. Just know when to stop and what level of flirting you’ll be giving.

[Rafa: Giver lover]

[Troy: Make sense Raf]


Thanks for the comments and votes from the previous chapters, as well as the questions. Like we always say, we will answer them all :) We appreciate and again Thank you! Signing out, Troy :D

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