You're Safe Now

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Hailey's age: 3

Dan and Phil took Hailey to the shopping center nearby. Hailey was sleeping in the stroller while Dan pushed it. Phil looked around and held all the bags.

Hailey began to stir, so Dan picked her up as her small eyes opened. Dan rocked her side to side.
"Phil I got her. Can you go check out real quick?" Dan said.

Phil nodded taking their thins to go check out, leaving Dan with Hailey who was now awake.

Dan put Hailey on the ground when a fan came by.
"Hey I'm Kelly. I love you're videos. Can I get a photo?"
"Sure." Dan smiled for the selfie.

Afterwards Kelly's eyes filled with worry.
"Where is your daughter?"

Dan spun around to see Hailey had vanished.

Dan shouted. He began to panic. Phil came back with their bags, confused.
"Dan where is Hailey?"
"I don't know!!" Dan nearly screamed.

Phil's showed the fear in his eyes.
"Dan you take this side of the store!"
Dan nodded and he and Phil ran in opposite directions.

Phil screamed Hailey's name, before finding her in the corner on the floor. He instantly sighed of relief before scooping her into his arms.
"Hailey, oh my God don't do that to me again." Phil said loud enough for Dan to come running.

Everyone else seemed to go back to normal, but Dan and Phil felt their world nearly ended.
"Daddy!" Hailey cooed, reaching for Dan.
"Hailey don't do that. I was scared." Dan scooped Hailey in his arms.
"Papa saw me." She giggled.

Phil gave Dan a comforting look.
"Phil I turned my head for one second. Only to take a selfie with a fan. Then she-"
"Dan I'm not mad at you. I mean heck I wish she didn't run off. That's not your fault. We found her. That's all that matters."

Dan nodded. He held Hailey close to him, making sure to not let her go. She cuddled into his arms, humming a song.

"Dan ready to go home?"
"Yes. Let's go before she becomes a marathon runner and we can't catch her in time."

Phil laughed a little and they walked out, happy that Hailey was safe and sound.

A/N Hey peeps. How are you guys doing? Well if you don't know I'm updating a bunch of my other stories quite often so please go check then out because I'm very proud of them. Also I have so many views on this it's insane. Thank you to all who has voted or reads these.

Follow, vote and yeah comment any suggestions.

This was requested but I don't remember who did. Yeah well thought I should just add this.

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