Chapter 10

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Harley Thompson's POV

"I hate the cold." I grumpily mumble under my breath.

"It's not even that cold." Sam says while rolling her eyes.

"You're used to it." I send her a glare as I rub my arms quickly.

Today has been one of the coldest days by far. I'm wearing a grey knitted sweater and black ripped jeans with some white high top converse's which would have been perfect for yesterday's weather.

Maybe I should ask Aurora and David to help me buy me jackets... or maybe I shouldn't. Last time I asked Aurora to take me shopping she basically made me buy everything I tried on. Every shoe that caught my eye she bought. Even makeup which is highly expensive she bought be. We bought literally everything except jackets.

"Oh right, I forgot Miss Florida." Sam teases, making me roll my eyes.

"What ever, I'm sure if you went to Florida you'd complain it's too hot or something." I give her a small smirk.

Sam, knowing I'm right just shrugs and nods her head.

"So are you excited for the last try out?" Kaycee asks.

"Yeah I guess. Hopefully this time Maddison doesn't go crazy." I laugh slightly along with the girls.

After having the wind knocked out of me, Mason tried to make me go to the doctors all night after that. I had to spend hours convincing him that I was okay, even my brothers had to help!

Mason promised this time that if he even sees Maddison looking at me the wrong way he's going to get coach to take her off the court. I'll have to tell coach not to listen, I'm not scared of taking a hit.

"And if she does, maybe Mason, aka your own personal body guard will protect you." Kaycee nudges me.

After yesterday, with the whole "breath Harley" thing, these two idiots keep teasing me about it.

"Shut up. Yeah he's been weird about the whole thing but he isn't my body guard." I roll my eyes but a blush creeps up on my cheeks.

I haven't seen Mason once today. I mean school hasn't started yet but Mason usually comes with Ben and I... or that's how it's been since I've gotten here anyways. Today we didn't pick him up though so maybe he's sick?

"Okay so don't tell me he didn't wait for you to get out of the dressing rooms and walk you to your car even though he had tryouts right after you?" Kaycee says wait a smug look making me roll my eyes.

"Ben probably told him to. Ben did tell me that he's never late for anything... though he is late for school sometimes which makes me late."

The warning bell rings, cutting me off from my rambling.

"Okay, we get it. Mason is your personal body guard and your brother is lazy. See you!" Sam yells then walks away to her class.

Kaycee and I walk to math together. Me not paying attention as per usual, I run into something. I look up and roll my eyes.

"Maddison." I green as help myself up because Kaycee is just watching.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." She smirks then crosses her arms.

"Then maybe you need some glasses because apparently you couldn't see the basket yesterday either." I adjust my books in my hands and then give her the fakest smile I could muster then brush past her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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