Chapter 1

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Four Months Later from end of prologue

Harley Thompson's POV

Tonight is family game night. It never ends well. Usually there's a fight between someone whether its between my siblings or my parents, it leaves everyone in a foul mood. Even if it is the worst night of the week, I still enjoy the start since the whole family get's together and we don't very often, aside from game night.

I finish my long shower and quickly dry myself off. Once I'm done drying my hair, I throw on some black Nike capri sweats with a white loose tank top and a brown cardigan. I slip my white socks on then run down the stairs and towards the family room.

Bella, Thomas, and Andrew were already sitting there with mom and dad. I'm late for the second week in a row. Oops.

"Finally." Bella says.

Bella is my younger sister by two years. She has blond short hair with light brown eyes and palish skin. We're total opposites I guess.

Unlike her and I, Andrew and Thomas almost look exactly alike. They both have dirty blond hair, green eyes with many freckles on their face. They're also twins, so I guess it's expected that they look like one another.

Though Bella looks like my mom kind of and the twins look like my dad in a way, I look like neither of them. I just assume that it's because the genes mixed really well and made me look completely different.

Unlike my mom, I have long dark brown hair and tan skin. My eyes are a very dark blue which I find odd since my dad's are green and my moms are brown. I've always questioned if I was adopted, but they denied it every time, they even showed me pregnancy pictures to prove it. I try to believe them, but a small part of me doesn't. I mean would you if you were a complete opposite from your parents?

"So, what game are we playing?" I completely ignore Bella's comment. For a fourteen year old, she sure is feisty.

"Scattergories!" Andrew and Thomas both yell at the same time as they run in with the red box.

If you've never played Scattergories, here's how it goes. You take a piece of paper that the game gives you and it has ten lines on the paper. Along with that paper, you get multiple cards that have 10 different categories on each side. So on the paper, 1 matches up with 1 on the card.

Are you following so far? Yes? Okay.

You get a timer along with the cards and the papers. The timer is set for a minute or 30 seconds, the time flies really quick when you're stressed out. Basically you have to come up with one word that fits the category given to you on the card and write it down on the piece of paper. The trick is though, you roll a die that has a letter on it and what ever letter it lands on is the letter the word has to start with. So if I rolled an M, every word I write has to start with an M. Simple. Yeah, not really. Once the timer runs out, you tell everyone your answers. If you have the same answer as your friends you cross it off. Then you add up points and figure out who wins once you guys are done.

Simple to play, hard to explain.

"Alright. Lets do this." I say.

I run over to the table and sit across from Bella. Mom and dad supply us with pens and pencils while Thomas rolls the die. After everyone is set, Andrew flips the timer and we hurry to fill in the blanks.

Let the games begin.

* * *

It's our fifth round of Scattergories. We only play it so much because the twins love it and it helps with them for coming up with words and such. They're only in grade four so this game is slightly difficult for them, but not too difficult.

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