Quotes Of The Day! 4/19/14

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3150. We look at each other like we're about to kiss.

3151. It's as if I could tell all my secrets to her.

3152.  Augustus stepped towards him and looked down. "Feel better?" he asked.

"No," Isaac mumbled, his chest heaving.

"That's the thing about pain," Augustus said, and then glanced back at me. "It demands to be felt."

3153. Behind my smile is a hurting heart.

3154. Here's a serious advice. Even the nicest people have their limits. Don't try to reach that point because the nicest people are also the scariest assholes when they've had enough.

3155. Girls masturbate, girls grow body hair, girls have stretch marks, girls get acne, girls poop, girls burp, girls have all normal body functions that men do stop stigmatizing all of it I'm so mad.

Guys get sad, guys can bake, guys break down, guys want to be held, guys cry, guys scream into their pillow, guys can have a hard time being manly so if you want us to see what you physically do as acceptable don't mock us for being emotional.

I love this.

3156. I wanna make you orgasm ;)

3157. "The best smell in the world is that man that you love." -Jennifer Aniston

3158. Mamihlapinatapai

(n.) A look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something they both desire but which neither wants to begin.

3159. All they told me was just give up.

3160. "To say a shallow cut on the wrist of a self - harmer isn't classified as legitimate self - injury is like telling someone who has just been diagnosed with stage one cancer that they aren't allowed to feel sick because it isn't "severe" yet." -Haley Hendrick

3161. I was supposed to save you from yourself but instead pushed you further into hell.

3162. "Never make the mistake of thinking that anything is more than it is."

3163. "I myself am made entirely of flaws stitched together with  good intentions." -Augusten Burroughs, Magical Thinking: True Stories

3164. We were here before they came along. I just hope that you see we will be here even after they are gone. Always.

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