Quotes Of The Day! 12/27/13

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957. Mentally Exhausted.

958. "When love feels like magic, you call it destiny. When destiny has a sense of humor, you call it serendipity.' -Serendipity

959. They thought their life would last forever.

960. I worry (A lot)

when I think (of other girls)

about how they (shine)

sparkle and radiate beauty

and about how I could be (brighter)

(and) nothing hurts worse than thinking about

not being with (you) my love, my heart

because I know you (deserve the) best,

you are my (sun), moon and stars. -m.k. (Read what is in parenthesis, once you finish the whole thing, there are two meanings)

961. It's absolutely terrifying to let someone in, let them see the darkest corners of your soul, the reasons why you cry and why they make you so happy. It's absolutely terrifying because they might run away with your secrets and never give them back.

962. Replaced.

963. "Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will."

964. I write a letter in my head to you everyday and never send it.

965. Because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you.

966. I just want to matter to you.

967. Happiness is a choice.

968. I hope you fall in love with someone who makes you question why you ever thought you would be better off alone.

969. You don't know, do you?

That in a crowded place, my eyes will always search for you.

970. What are you afraid of?

971. Sometimes I still wonder why things happened the way they did.

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