Quotes Of The Day! 12/26/13

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942. I often imagine how people would react to my death.

943. If I could, I would take that smile and inject it directly into my blood stream.

My parents warned me about drugs in baggies sold on the street, but never the ones with teeth and a heartbeat. -M.W.

944. I think you have the most beautiful mind.

945. Do you have a library card?

'Cause I've been checkin' you out!

946. "It's so strange that autumn is so beautiful...and yet everything is dying."

947. Some people are brought into your life to be mirrors, to show your behaviors and habits that need to change...

948. "I am selfish, private, and easily bored. Will this be a problem?"

949. I always found it quite strange and scary that everyone is in their own worlds, with their own thoughts that you'll never know about. -S.S.

950. Imagine going to Starbucks, after you order ask them to write "Harry Styles." on your cup. So when they call out Harry Styles, you'll see all these girls looking around or fangirling and you go up to them saying. "Oh he's in the car at the moment, but I'll take it since I am his girlfriend." Then walk away like a boss.

951. I had a flashback of something that never existed.

952. I get paranoid sometimes, and I'm convinced everyone hates me. My therapist says, "I have social anxiety." I think I'm just smart enough to know the face of human nature is so horrifyingly ugly.

953. You told me that you missed me once, but it's played in my head over a thousand times.

954. Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it. -Swedish Proverb

955. "One glass holds love, the other, illusion. Chose carefully, my friend, for in love, there are no second chances." -Down to You

956. Until you've crawled in the darkest, dirtiest, and deepest corners of my mind. You'll never know how I really feel. -s.b.

(Sorry for the late post, busy week! Love you all)

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