Quotes Of The Day! 1/10/14

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1168. Psychological fact, when happy, she can't stop talking, while suffering from sadness she doesn't say a word.

1169. Psychological fact: Thinking and or missing someone during the night causes a person to fall asleep clutching their pillow.

1170. Psychology says, it becomes difficult to accept the truth when the lies told to you were exactly what you wanted to hear.

1171. People aren't mirrors, they see you completely different than the way you see yourself.

1172. If you think someone was staring at you: 1. Yawn. 2. If they yawn, they were staring.

1173. Our fingers prune after being in water for an extended time, because the prune impressions give us better grip underwater.

1174. When in panic mode, your eyes take in visual information at a higher rate, which is why everything may seem to be moving in slow motion.

1175. Some scientists say that if space is truly infinite, then there is probably an exact copy of you somewhere in the universe.

1176. subconsciously, women tend to become moody when missing someone. Their behavior becomes altered by their frustration.

1177. Sad people are better at face recognition, being able to easily read the emotions of others and hidden motives.

1178. Growth and change may be painful sometimes, but nothing in life is as painful as staying stuck where you don't belong.

1179. Ancient myths suggest that "Deja Vu" is your mind's way of letting you know that you're in the right place at the right time.

1180. Sometimes you can't explain what you see in a person. It's just the way they take you to a place where no one else can.

1181. The chills you sometimes get when listening to music is actually caused by the release of dopamine in your body.

1182. When someone tells you, "You've changed," it might simply be because you've stopped living your life their way.

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