Alec Slips

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Alec is so extremely stressed after he finally finished all of his work. He feels a slight haze in his head that he recognizes instantly and sighs deeply. He starts walking to his bedroom at the institute, which he never uses anymore since he's moved in with Magnus a few months ago. He takes his phone out to send a quick text to Magnus.

12:54am AL: Hey I won't be home until probably tomorrow afternoon I have early meetings and I just barely finished my work so I'm going to spend the night in my old room for tonight.

After he hits send is when he notices what time it is. He lets out a large sigh as he goes to open the door and his phone goes off.

12:56am MB: Alexander, are you sure you don't want me to just portal you home? I'm worried that you will not rest enough :(

AL: Don't worry about me Mags I'm going to sleep right now okay? I'll text you after my meetings tomorrow. I love you.

MB: I love you too goodnight darling sleep well <3

Alec hates lying to Magnus but he can't tell him the full truth of why he's not coming home. He enters his bedroom and shuts the door behind him. He sits on the edge of his bed and lets out a very large yawn. He gets ready for bed and into the one pair of pajamas that he's left in his room. He gets into bed and starts to drift off, but since the bed isn't what he's used to it takes a while. Just before he goes to sleep he hears a knock at the door.

"Come in!" He yells, starting to sit up. He's only a little annoyed. The door opens slowly to reveal his sister.
"Alec? What are you doing here? You never use this room." Isabelle approaches his bed slowly after closing the door. She lets out a short gasp. 'Great she's about to overreact,' Alec thought.
"Are you and Magnus fighting? Did he kick you out?!" She looks at him with concern in her eyes.
"What? No izzy we're fine I just didn't want to make him lose any sleep. He would've stayed up too long waiting for me then have been woken up super early so I could leave and that didn't seem fair to Mags..." Alec isn't completely honest but Izzy doesn't need to know that yet. He then realizes that he uses Magnus's pet name when he hears his sister squeak, he blushes instantly. She loves hearing the concern, consideration, and love that her big brother has for his boyfriend.
"Okay okay fine! I'll leave so that you can rest okay? You're too stressed and exhausted to stay up anymore," she walks over and tucks him in, kissing his forehead gently. Alec lets out a breathy laugh.
"Yes mom," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm and love. She smiles down at him and lightly slaps his shoulder.
"Oh shush you! Now get some sleep!" She walks over to the door and says over her shoulder, "I love you mí hermano. Sleep well." "I love you too Iz, don't stay up too late either." He replies back as she shuts the door behind her. She walks to her own bedroom and gets ready for bed as he drifts off again.

Alec wakes up with a jolt a couple hours later. He sits up fast and has a thin layer of sweat coating his naked torso. He breathes heavily, still recovering from his nightmare. He takes a deep breath and tries to calm down, only for him to shift and notice something that sends him into a near panic. As he adjusted his legs he notices that his thighs are cold under the blanket and... are they wet? Oh shit... He instantly panics, he hasn't wet his bed since he was maybe 6, except for some other moments he does not remember, and now he's 21. His face burns with embarrassment and he feels tears in his eyes. He tries to calm and quiet his breathing but he knows it's no use as he hears three sets of footsteps run to his room. Jace opens the door and sees Alec curling in on himself, covered in his blanket, crying. He immediately rushes over to him followed by Izzy and Clary, who shut the door. Alec has almost his entire body covered as he lies there curled up, afraid of anyone seeing his wet sheets. Jace kneels beside his bed and looks into his eyes. He sees a certain child-like fear and sadness in his hazel eyes that he's only seen on a few occasions and instantly knows what to do.
"Hey buddy," he says in a quiet and gentle whisper. Izzy instantly catches on and tries to think of a way to get Clary out of the room. Alec looks up at Jace and starts to calm down slightly. Izzy approaches Clary.
"You can go... You never experienced the aftermath of an Alec Lightwood Nightmare and I would hate for things to go wrong for either of you." Clary looks at her friend with concerned eyes.
"Are you sure? I want to help if I can okay?" Izzy sighs and escorts her out of the room. "It's best if you just leave it to myself and Jace for this one okay? I'll see you tomorrow," she smiles at her. Clary smiles and walks back to their shared room. Izzy closes the door and walks over to her brothers. Jace is stroking his hair slowly and whispering comforting words to him. He notices the smell as the blanket shifts and looks at Izzy.
"Uh... Iz? I think we might have a problem... Help me get him uncovered..." Jace says as calmly as he can for Alec. Izzy catches on and tries to remove the blanket, but Alec squirms and lets out a small whine.
"No no no... Izzy and Jacey be mad at Alec..." He pulls the blanket up more on himself and cries a bit more. Izzy and Jace share a look and Jace runs his hand over his face as only one word comes to mind.

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