A Beautiful Man

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Brendon's POV

Yesterday, I woke up and found out that I had forgotten over 10 years of my life. Yesterday, I barely recognized my friends as their faces had changed dramatically from what I remembered. Yesterday, a beautiful man walked into my hospital room with a bouquet of roses and puffy, red eyes. A beautiful man with a smile on his face when he saw me, who turned out to be my boyfriend. I happened to find out my nickname for this man just so happened to be 'my beautiful man'.

So, a stranger walked into my room, a stranger who seemed to know me so well, but I knew nothing about him. A stranger who cared for me so much, he cried when he found out I didn't know him. I could hear his broken sobs from my room when he was in the hallway, and I felt the warm, wetness on my hospital gown when he cried on my shoulder. A stranger who held me tightly each time he hugged me as if he never wanted to let go. A stranger who called me 'cutie', which was strange at first, but I grew to like the pet name. Although, I always blushed, each and every time it slipped past his lips. 

I felt a strange closeness to the man as we talked, a strong connection between us, stronger than any other relationship I had. I tried to find a solution to why I felt that way, trying to figure out the man himself and who he was, what he was like. I tried to figure out what we were like as a couple. I still didn't understand it, from what I heard from him, we've always had this bond, this connection.

I was laying down in my bed and Dallon was sitting in the chair next to me. He moved there from sitting beside me on my bed when we decided that our friends should get some time to visit me. It was strange to see them now, from what I remembered what they looked like. I still had yet to look in the mirror to see how I had changed. Dallon just sat there watching me in disbelief throughout each of my conversations and afterward. I could tell how much this affected him and how much he cared. It seemed a little strange, the way he watched my every move carefully, but I could understand why. 

"Dallon, where do you live?" I asked randomly. "So I know where to go when I get out of here."

He lightly blushed before saying, "I'm actually back at staying at your house, cutie, I did spend a majority of my time living with Pete and Patrick during your coma, but I went back to your house when I was told you were going to wake up soon. I even tidied up your house for you. Do you not mind me staying there still? I can go back to Pete and Patrick's if you want." 

"No, that's fine, Dal," I replied. "How long have we been living together? Like, when did you move in?"

"I moved in like as soon as I was checked out of the hospital, you insisted. You didn't want me staying with Breezy," he answered. 

"Did I not like her?" I quizzed, wondering why I didn't want him to stay with her. 

"No, I don't think you did, I didn't even like her! She was a bitch, and it turned out that she was a psycho too," Dallon laughed.

"Will I ever understand the complexity of our lives?" I giggled. 

"Probably not," he responded. 

I smiled at him, I really liked him, he was fun to talk to and be around. I understand why I wanted him to move in with me when he checked out of the hospital, who wouldn't want to be around him? I couldn't fathom how amazing this beautiful man was. His laugh was so cute and beautiful, I could listen to it for hours. 

"You're still going to come visit me though right?" I asked quietly.

"Cutie, I have been here every single day for the entirety you were here, what makes you think I'm gonna stop now?" Dallon questioned. 

I blushed and said, "I don't know, I just thought you might not want to spend so much time with someone who can't remember you."

"You're still the same person I fell in love with, cutie. I'll always want to spend time with you," he said, before suddenly smacking his forehead. "Oh my god."

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, wondering why he looked upset. 

"I finally get to tell you that I love you and I tell it to you when you are just barely getting to know me again," he groaned. 

I finally realized what he said and I started to blush, "You really love me?" 

I felt horrible, this man was in love with me and I barely had gotten to know him, I couldn't imagine what he was going through today. He must be going out of his mind. 

"I love you more than anything else in this world," he whispered, staring deeply into my eyes. He had beautiful eyes, they were an amazing shade of blue. "I want to kiss you so bad right now, I've wanted to all day, I've wanted to for months, cutie. Will you please let me?" 

I simply nodded my head and before I knew it, he was out of his chair and his soft lips were on mine. He kissed me in a way that I had never been kissed before. It was full of longing and passion and I automatically started kissing him back. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before, I could tell because the heart monitor I was connected to started beeping faster and faster and I could feel it pounding in my chest and in my ears. 

Soon, I heard footsteps running into the room and Dallon and I suddenly broke apart when we heard, "Dallon, what the fuck?! I thought something was going on with Brendon!"

"Sorry, Ryan, I've been waiting for that for a long time," Dallon apologized. "Won't happen again."

"I object to that," I argued and Dallon smirked at me. 

"Whatever, give me a warning or something next time, so I know he's not dying," the nurse replied before leaving the room. 

"Kiss me again?" I asked before his lips found mine again. 


So, as a celebration for reaching 1000 reads, you guys will receive a sneak peek into my next story! It will be put up after this part! Thank you guys!

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