Only One Shot - EG

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Rainbow Dash stood a fair distance from the enemy, not welcomed to step any closer. She stared at him and he stared at her.

"Please," she began. "I can help." Footsteps were heard from behind her, the panting voices of her friends informing her of the arrivals. "Just... just come with us. Come with me." The man's eyes teared up. He shut his eyes tightly before his arm swung forward. They knew he wasn't intending to throw a punch, but they didn't expect him to draw a weapon; a gun, to be exact.

The girls all jumped, most of them backing up. Rainbow Dash, however, stood her ground.

"Don't do this." Her hands came up, held out in front of her as a sign of peace. She began to walk forward, very slowly. "Put the gun down."

"Dash...?" Twilight said, wearily. Rainbow acknowledged her concern, but ignored her worries and continued moving.

"Stop." The man commanded. "Stop walking. I'll shoot! I swear it!" Rainbow froze, but she didn't back away.

"Just put. The gun. Down. No one needs to be hurt. We can help. But you have to trust me when I say we will. We've never let anyone down before and we don't plan on doing so now." The man shook his head.

"You can't help me." Tears drifted down his cheeks. His finger shook on the trigger. Twilight had taken a single step forward, trying to urge Rainbow to back up. Dash refused. "I... I'm sorry." He said. A loud bang deafened the girls, all of them covering their ears in an instant. But before they knew it, the guy was gone. They barely noticed his disappearance as their attentions had been elsewhere.

Rainbow Dash hit the ground with a thud. Everyone rushed to her side as blood oozed from her stomach. Blood leaked from her mouth as she wheezed. The girls all comforted her as Rarity dialed 911. Applejack made sure to keep pressure on her wound, but was scared of the pain she knew she was putting Rainbow Dash through.

Fluttershy had her hands on Rainbows cheeks, talking to her to calm her down. Rainbow Dash shut her eyes tight, tears rolling down her face.

"I-I couldn't.... 'elp him..." she whimpered. The girls all glanced worriedly at each other, then back at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow felt so much guilt and that was the only thing on her mind; not even the fact that she might bleed out at any moment. The girls could see it clear as day.

What were they going to do?

I dunno how to fuckin continue this shit. Iz almost 12 am, I can't think right 😩

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