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For the past few days, Rainbow Dash hasn't left her house. Whenever she did, she avoided ponies and stayed on the ground. Her friends began to get suspicious and decided to talk to her about it.

"I told you, I'm fine!!" Rainbow Dash shouted, growing annoyed with her friends' questions.

"Rainbow Dash, you are not fine! Look at you! Something's going on, Rainbow, and you need to tell us. Please." Rainbow looked up at her friends and hesitated.

"Fine. I've been having these... dreams..."

"Oh no," Fluttershy whispered. "Have you been having nightmares??" Rainbow Dash shot up.

"No!! I-I mean... m-maybe..."

"Dash, tell us what happened." Twilight pushed. Rainbow shrank down and looked away.

"I...*sigh*. No." Rainbow Dash stood up and walked out of the room. The five exchanged glances of worry and confusion.

"Something dreadful must be happening in those dreams." Rarity commented. "What do we do? She isn't going to tell us what it is."

"I don't know what we can do." Twilight sighed. "If it's a nightmare, than our best bet might be Princess Luna. Spike?" Spike ran over and took a paper and quill, writing down everything Twilight said. He'd sent the letter and left, Twilight and the others sitting and discussing the matter.

"Rainbow Dash?" Applejack said as she approached the barn. On a pile of hay lay a blue pegasus curled up in a ball. "Rainbow Dash?" The pegasus wasn't responding. Applejack raised her voice and poked her, Rainbow Dash awaking with a shout. "What're you doing here?" Rainbow stuttered as she tried to come up with an excuse, jumping off the bails of hay. She couldn't think of one, so Applejack saved her.

"Listen, Rainbow. I know it's hard to confess to something that you're not proud of. But the situation won't get better if you don't talk about it." Rainbow Dash hid her face. "Come on, sugar-cube. Talk to me." Rainbow Dash looked up at the Earth pony.

"Okay. But, you have to promise not to laugh."

"Rainbow, why on earth would I laugh at you? You're my friend and this is really getting to you. I'll do everything in my power to help." Dash sighed.

"I had a dream... that... I'd lost my wings." Rainbow scrunched her face and shriveled up. "Ponyville was in trouble, and-and the wonderbolts, and- and... and you guys." Dash's eyes teared up and she rested her head on the ground, putting her hooves over her eyes. Applejack put her arm around Rainbow Dash and sat beside her. Dash caught her breath. "My wings were shredded up. It happened midair and I started falling. Then they broke when I hit the ground. I'm just scared it's gonna happen for real." Applejack paused.

"Rainbow. It's just a dream. Don't let that keep you down. You're the greatest flyer in all of Equestria-"

"I was the greatest flyer in Equestria. I don't think I'll be able to set wing in the skies again." Applejack thought for a moment. She wasn't sure if she was going to regret this question or not.

"How do your wings get 'shredded'?" Rainbow closed her eyes tightly.

"I... I..."

"You don't have to answer that... Look, Rainbow, whatever it is. Don't let it hold you back. Push through it. You'll be back in the skies in no time."

"You don't understand, Applejack." Rainbow said, getting up. "You don't know what it's like to loose the one thing that makes you you." She walked away, looking at her hooves as she walked. Applejack wanted to tell the others. She thought maybe they'd have a better understanding than her. So she raced to catch up with Rainbow Dash. When she was beside her, she looked at her wings. They weren't just resting at her sides, they were clenched up tight to her body. "What are you doing here? Don't you have chores to do?"

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