To The Rescue

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Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy sat at in the map room, watching their cutie marks circle a random place in the Everfree forest.

"So..." Fluttershy started. "Is that Zecora's place? Maybe?" Twilight stared.

"I don't think so. Zecroa's is more this way..."

"So, how do we know where we're going then?" Rarity wondered, not very pleased that they were headed to the Everfree forest. She wasn't very fond of that place; mainly it's unsettling nature.

"I don't know, but I think our best bet is to go and find out." Twilight closed the map and the four of them headed out.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Rarity asked as they stumbled through heaps of bushes.

"Pretty sure." They carried on for a few more minutes before finding an old, abandoned building.

"Egh. Perhaps we were sent here to fix this mess." Rarity complained.

"When has that ever been the case?" Applejack sassed. The girls glared with a grin, before following Twilight and the frightened Fluttershy inside. Twilight pushed open the rotting door.

"Hello?" She called quietly. They walked in, getting only a few steps before hearing pained cries in the distance. Fluttershy clutched Twilight side, who began walking forward. Rarity and Applejack stayed close together as well. The cries grew louder. When they heard the source of the screams, they waited outside the door.

"Are you sure we have to go in there?" Fluttershy asked as laughter soon emerged from the same room.

"We have to. Didn't you hear those screams?" Fluttershy cringed. Twilight stepped forward and used her magic to open the door. The creak sent shivers down the ponies spine. It didn't help that the figures in that room shot their heads over; one growling, one with tears and blood streaming down their face. The four at the door gasped. A much too familiar pegasus was strapped down to an upright bed, blood dripping down her whole body. The other, an earth pony, was on her hooves with a knife in hand.

"Rainbow Dash?! Pinkie Pie?!! What's going on?!"

"RUN!!!" Rainbow Dash called, struggling against the binds. "GO!!!!" The four backed up. Pinkie Pie turned her whole body to them, scowling.

"How did you get here?!" She yelled, widening her stance. "I haven't even sent out the invitations yet!" The four turned to each other, puzzled. Fluttershy stuttered.


"Yeah! I was so happy to have Dashie over, but I wasn't expecting an audience. Now, if you want, you watch how I do it!"

"How you do what?!" Applejack shouted. Twilight put her hoof out, stopping AJ from going any farther forward.

"For Pete's sake!!" Rainbow Dash cried. "Just get out of here!!!" Twilight stomped her hoof.

"What have you been up to, Pinkie Pie?"

"What? I was just doing what I normally do."

"And that is?" Rarity asked, sternly.

"Making cupcakes!! I always use a special ingredient. How else would they be so delicious? This time, it's Dash's time to shine!" Pinkie Pie saw the puzzled (and slightly disturbed) looks on her friends' faces. "She's the special ingredient!" She hinted, giving the whole thing away instantly. Dash slammed her head back, tears pouring from her eyes.

"Just GO ALREADY!!!!" She screamed, continuing to struggle against the binds.

"Not without you!" Twilight shouted, jumping into the air. She aimed her horn down at Pinkie Pie, shooting a ray of light at her. As it hit, Pinkie Pie stumbled back, falling to the ground, but quickly picking herself back up all in the time it took others to start racing towards Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie, ignoring Twilight, raced over as well, grabbing a knife on her way. She swung down, chopping a slice into Applejack's arm. AJ fell backwards, holding her arm in her hoof. Rarity stuck by her, instructing Fluttershy to get Rainbow Dash free. The pegasus obeyed and fiddled with the latches on Dash's wrist.

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