Something New - EG/Pony

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Rainbow Dash - Pony

Rainbow Dash - Human

Unless said.

Starts w/ humans


The girls sat outside the portal, eating their lunch as always. Rainbow Dash, who'd tuned everyone else out, looked toward the portal. She subconsciously stood up and stepped over to it.

"Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked. "Is something wrong?" Rainbow snapped out of it and turned to her friends with a smile.

"What would happen if one of us went through this thing?" She pointed to the portal.

"Oh no." Applejack stepped in. "You are not going through the portal. Twilight's got her own things to worry about over there. No need to add to the pile."

"Please. How could I possibly ruin anything?"

"I dunno, Rainbow." Sunset said, standing up too. "Twilight would be pretty mad if you did that. Plus, it's actually really dangerous."

"Pfft. So what?"

"So," Fluttershy stepped in. "You really want to impose on their world?"

"Oh, come on! You're all just a bunch of scaredy cats. There's nothing to worry about."

"Yeah!" Pinkie chimed. "Imagine how much fun you could have in a completely new world!"

"See? I'm going in." Rainbow faced the portal. Her friends all jumped to their feet.

"Rainbow, I really don't think that's a good idea!" Rarity said, grabbing her arm. Rainbow Dash tugged her arm away, shoving Rarity backwards in the process. She then proceeded to step through. When she was no longer visible to her friends. they all turned to Pinkie Pie.


Rainbow Dash landed on the ground. She looked at her feet. Instead, she saw hooves. She smiled, realizing she'd made it through. She stood to her hooves and faced the mirror behind her. She inspected her appearance and smirked, feeling good about her success.

Twilight spoke to her friends in the map room. Although, he was interrupted by a pained groan from beside her.

"Rainbow Dash? Are you okay?" Rainbow shook her head.

"Yeah. Just uh... wow, that felt weird."

"What was it?" Twilight asked. Rainbow was about to speak, but a crashing sound was heard from somewhere else in the castle. They'd followed the sound, which eventually lead to the mirror room. "What the..."

"Oh." The pony before them muttered. "That's awkward."

"Rainbow! What're you doing here?!"

"What? I just wanted to explore!"

"Come on, Twi!" The other Dash flew up. "This is awesome!" She flew over to her alternate self. "Look! She looks just like me!" The other Rainbow smiled up. Twilight glared at the Dash on the ground.

"Fine. But we're going to talk about this later."

"Psh. Yeah, okay."

"Come on!" Rainbow shouted, she flew out of the castle, the others running after her. It took the other Rainbow Dash a little bit to get accustomed to the new movements, but Dash thought it'd be a good idea to get her into the air immediately.

"Are you sure about this?" Fluttershy asked, as she and the others watched the two Rainbow's.

"Duh!" Dash confirmed. "What could go wrong? Okay," She turned to her other self. "Just open your wings and beat them at a pace that you find reasonable." Rainbow opened her wings and beat them as instructed. She found herself in the air beside Dash. The two smiled and hoof-bumped.

"Great, now that we figured that out," Twilight interrupted. "Let's go." She turned back to the castle. The two pegasi looked at each other before being pulled inside by a purple aura.

"Why are you here, Rainbow?" Twilight asked Rainbow once they were seated in the throne room. Rainbow Dash flew above her beside her chair. Dash shrugged.

"Thought it'd be cool."

"And...?" Rainbow asked her duplicate, raising her eyebrows twice.

"Totally worth it!" The two hoof-bumped again. Twilight coughed to get them back on track.

"Well! Guess we'd better get you back to your world."

"What?" She said, jumping up. She rushed to Twilight's side. "But I don't want to! This place is so cool!"

"Thank you, but you really need to get back. It's not safe if you're both here for so long."

"Does that mean I can go over?!" Rainbow piped, gleaming. Twilight narrowed her eyebrows and her frown.

"No!!" The group slowly made their way back to the portal room. "I'm sorry, Rainbow." Twi said after seeing her friends' sad expression. "Maybe I'll let you back over another time. I'll let you know." This made Rainbow's smile return.

"Thanks, Twilight. Sorry for just popping up out of nowhere." Twilight smiled, forgiving her friend. Rainbow then made her way back into the portal. The girls remained silent for a moment. Twilight turned back and saw her other Dash's face. She, too, wore a frown.

"*Sigh*. You too, Rainbow." Dash perked, and gave the princess a hug.

"That'll be so awesome!"

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