Sound Barrier - EG

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Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and their friends were sat on the bleachers in the back field of their school, as well as many other students. They were there because they were watching Rainbow Dash and her team compete in a soccer game. Dash's friends were cheering her on, Pinkie Pie obviously being the loudest and most bombastic out of them all.

The game came to a halt, however, as the field was encased by a light purple dome. The players stopped playing, Rainbow thinking hard of what was going on as the teams grew scared. Twilight and the others stood up as the audience gasped, confused and worried. They raced over, knocking on the glass. Rainbow ran up to them. Sadly, they were unable to hear each other.

Twilight pointed behind Rainbow, the athlete looking to where she pointed. A small orb was drifting down from the ceiling. It stopped in the middle. Rainbow was about to question it, but a sudden, high pitched squeal screamed throughout the dome. She cringed, not having enough time to cover ears before it silenced.

The sound slowly carried on again, starting low. Rainbow turned to her friends, trying to tell them she was completely clueless to what was going on. The noise grew louder, eventually reaching the state, where Rainbow had to cover her ears.

Pinkie Pie held out a page with marker scribbled on it. It read;

What's going on?

Rainbow shook her head, cringing harder as the noise picked up. Her friends looked worriedly at her through the glass. They looked at the scene behind Rainbow, seeing other people covering their ears as well.

"There must be some kind of sound inside in there." Sunset pointed out.

"You don't say," Rarity sassed. "But what? We can't hear a thing."

"Pinkie, write more." Pinkie Pie took out another page as wrote more. She held the page against the impenetrable pane. Rainbow managed to open her eyes long enough to read it.

Are you okay?!

Rainbow forcefully shook her head and collapsed to her knees. She tried her hardest to drown out the noise, but it was no use. The sound was too loud and didn't seem to be quieting anytime soon. Rainbow let out a pained groan, the noise starting to make her woozy. She turned back to her friends. Another page was held against the force-field.

The orb. We need-

She brought her head back down, the noise still peaking through every now and then.

To destroy-

She understood well enough. But getting to it was going to be a problem.

"Twilight, are you sure that's what needs to be done?" Fluttershy asked, afraid of what might happen.

"No. But what else could happen? The longer they're in there, the quicker they'll...." Twilight took a deep breath, looking away. "Die."

Rainbow shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts of fear.

"I have to try..." She mouthed, painfully. She used all her strength and more to raise her one knee. Once that was accomplished, her other leg made it's way. She started to push herself upwards.

Her friends, even though she was unaware, had been cheering her on from outside.

Suddenly the ringing seemed to times by ten. She collapsed back to the ground, this time curling in on herself.

"Come on, Rainbow. Toughen up." Her eyes watered, but she refused to take the hint. She knew she'd regret it, but she leaped to her feet, her hands slipping off her ears temporarily. She screamed and fell backwards, but made sure to keep on her feet. Her back rested on the dome, her friends just behind it. She huddled down as closely as possible to regain control.

Once she had, she pushed off the wall, walking as fast as she could forward. Her legs were fighting against her efforts. Rainbow wobbled over to were the soccer ball sat. Once there, she froze.

What if she missed? What if instead of saving everyone, she lets them all down in less than a second?? She forced her eyes over to her friends. They'd stopped cheering and were all standing there, fear in their eyes. Rainbow took in a deep breath.

She aligned herself so the ball was straight in front of the floating orb. She carefully let go of her ears and wound up. In a flash, she raced towards the ball kicking it hard. It went flying across the stadium. As soon as it hit, the noise came to a hard halt. Rainbow collapsed to the ground, the world going dark in an instant.

Rainbow Dash's friends watched as the dome surrounding the field dematerialized. They rushed over to their unconscious friend.

"Rainbow!!" Applejack took the athlete and rested her head on her lap. "She did it... She did it." The girls relaxed and took in their breaths. Applejack hugged Rainbow's shoulders as the others sighed in relief.

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