Pirate Season

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"Guys, look!" Rainbow called to her friends, spotting something in the distance. The five ponies had gone on a kind of trip that lead them wherever they wandered. They'd walked until they found something new; that something being a beach, one they'd never actually seen before. Dash flew over to the large object resting on the shoreline. She examined it from every angle as her friends made their way over.

"What in tar nation is that?" Applejack asked, watching as Dash flew around it.

"A pirate ship!!" Rainbow and Pinkie Pie shouted in sync, smiles on their faces. They quickly vanished as Rainbow Dash was seemingly yanked out of the air and down onto the ship. The four gasped and waited a moment before Rainbow shot back into the air, diving down to the shore and hovering above the others.

"Rainbow, what-" Rarity said, being cut off by a mans voice. She looked up at the ship and saw a unicorn pony dressed in tacky 'pirate' clothes. (I have no idea how she'd react to pirate clothes so we'll say she's unimpressed) She cringed as he smiled down at them.

"What are ye doin' 'ere?"

"Sorry, sir." Applejack apologized. "We didn't realized there'd be somepony else here. W-we'll just get going and you-"

"Not so fast!" He gave a loud whistle and waited, glaring daggers at the girls. Suddenly, a group of ponies, dressed the same at the other leaped out of the bushes and toppled the four ponies on the ground, Applejack fought as the others were tightly restrained.

"Rainbow! Go! Hurry!" Since Rainbow Dash was the only one besides Fluttershy with wings, she had an advantage. She obeyed Applejacks command and left, but was only gone in order to get Twilight.

"Twilight!!" She said, bursting through the doors of the castle. "Twilight, come quick!!"

Twilight dropped everything in the air and jumped.

"Rainbow Dash! What're you doing?-"

"I need your help! NOW!" Twilight's eyes widened. Whenever Dash screamed about needing help, it usually meant something very bad had happened.

Twilight tried her best to keep up at the same speed as Rainbow Dash. They flew for quite a long time to find the pirate ship, Dash getting them lost a couple times along the way, but once they'd found it, they both hovered above it.

"Where are they?" Rainbow asked out loud. Her question was soon answered.

"Right there." It was the pirate they seen earlier. He was a unicorn. Just like Twilight, he knew the teleportation spell. His horn glowed and suddenly four shrieking, tied together ponies were sat atop a long board, sitting at the edge of the plank which hovered over the water. "Ah, I see we've got ourselves some royalty." The pirate said to his companions that wandered out on the deck. "So, Princess." The two flyers floated down and landed in front of him, Dash extremely confused as to why they were leaving her alone. "We're going to give you a choice. You can either take this pegasus and leave, saying goodbye to your other friends forever." The girls gasped. "Or, you can join them and have the pegasus fight."

"Fight?" Dash asked, still confused.

"Fight." The pirate had a sadistic grin, confident in the options.

"Twilight. I can do this." Twilight didn't say anything. She considered her options and even though this put Rainbow Dash at risk, it was more likely she'd come out of it alive than the others. Twilight's eyes watered. This was a huge decision and she didn't want Rainbow Dash to think that she didn't care for her well being. But she went over to the others and was tied up tightly against them. The five watched as Rainbow Dash caught a sword and stood, ready for battle. Rainbow Dash held the sword in her mouth. The other pirates all grabbed their own swords.

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