Beginning of the End

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A/N: Hey Guys! I should've left this side note earlier on in the story but when Yuzuru and Charlotte talk one on one they speak in Japanese. Just a little heads up btw. Also, I'm not 100% sure about the details on the Sakura Festival in this chapter so please bare with me. Enjoy the chapter! Cheers!

Location: Sendai, Japan

"Hmm it feels good to be back home" Yuzu hums as he wraps his arms around me from behind and lays his chin on top of my shoulder. His soft breaths tickle my ear and slightly blow the baby hairs by my neck.

"Yeah it does. Your family is always so welcoming to me" I reply leaning my head on his and placing my arms over his. The two of us stand by the luggage carousel in the airport waiting for our bags to come around.

"Well you are my first girlfriend and my pre-prep proposal fiancee. Plus I'd say you're a pretty likable person for the most part" he jokes giggling softly and rocking the two of us back and forth.

"Hey I'm an incredibly likable person, I'll have you know" I retort.

"Okay there Charlie-chan!" He laughs cheekily.

"You know Saya was always a huge fan of yours even before we met at Sochi. If I remember correctly, you skated to the Nutcracker for your free skate in your Senior debut. You took quite the fall on a double axel at the Grand Prix Final" He says, his laughter beginning to get louder.

My eyes widen at where he was going with this story. "No Yuzu-Kun we don't talk about that! That was the lowest moment in my career" I groan. For years and years I've been trying to forget that moment and suddenly he brings it up again.

"I remember you tripped on your toe pic and took a nose dive to ice" he chuckles moving his arms from around my waist to clutch his chest as his laughter continued.

"Y-y-you moved like three feet across the ice on your face!" He snickers trying to contain his breath.

This whole time I stood and watched as he laughed to his heart's content trying to keep a serious face. Although it was my most embarrassing competition moment, I thought it was a pretty funny scene to watch in the play backs.

"I-I-I like to think the judges gave you a positive GOE for that face plant!" He adds with his face turning red from hysteria.

At this point I broke. My insane laughter and his insane laughter joined together and soon enough the two of us were a laughing mess in the middle of the airport.

"That was iconic!" I add slapping my knee as Yuzu leans onto me trying to catch his breath.

"An-And on a double axel! You can land triples now" ,he adds catching his breath regaining himself, "But seriously, it's amazing to see how far you've come as a skater. To think only a few years ago you couldn't land a double."

"Ah yes. Friendship ended with the doubles now the triples are my best friend. Thanks Yuzu-kun you improved a lot too. Three different quads and a 11 World records....I think we've both gone a long way"

I advert my eyes back to the luggage carousel and find Yuzuru's Pooh patterned suitcase coming in our direction with my plain black one following suit.

"Do you see Javi anywhere?" I ask. My eyes darting around the airport looking out for our Spanish friend as he was no where to be seen. 

"Ah there he is" Yuzu says pointing in the direction of the man in question 

The two of us wheel our bags closer to him and stay silent as he was on his phone. 

" you too....bye" he says before lowering his phone from his face and ending the call. 

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum