Problems arise...

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"Yuzu-kun you're a poop" I say poking his nose

"Charlie-chan your a bogger" he says poking my nose

"God the two of you are both so cute" Javi sighs watching us as we cuddle on the love seat

The sound of footsteps march down the stairs and then we see Coach in view 

"Hey guys, could I speak to you three for a sec?" he asks

"Yeah sure Coach" I reply

Javi reaches over to the coffee table where the remote sits and pauses the movie. We were watching "Frozen" and we just got to the part where Olaf was introduced 

"What's up Coachie?" Javi pipes up when Coach guides us over to the kitchen 

"So I know we're basically on vacation at the moment but the Grand Prix Final is this month and we only have so much time until the competition. We need to squeeze in some practice time" 

"I can see if I can get us some rink time" Yuzu adds

"Sounds good. We need is as soon as possible" Coach announces 

"Is that all Coach?" Javi asks

"For now,yes" 

The three of us file out of the kitchen before Coach stops me from following the boys

"Charlotte, can I talk to you for a second?"

"You already are Coach" I joke turning around to meet up with him again

"So, I was thinking of making some adjustments to your program...."he trails

"I listening.." I push 

"I was thinking of adding the quad sal into your arsenal. It will guarantee you a spot on the podium, hopefully first" he says sternly

"Coach, I've only landed it once. I don't think it's worth it..." I try to argue

"I know Charlie, trust me I do. But having it solid in your program will crush the competition. And plus, you could be the first woman in history to land a quad in competition. You could be making history here" 

I guess he does have point that I have the lutz combo down I could add another problem to my list; the quad   

"Let's do this" I decide and stick my fist out for Coach to pound

And he does 




Like the absolute Wizard he is, Yuzu managed to get us ice time at the rink he used to train at. He said his old coach Nanami Abe was able to hook us up  

"Charlie, I told you. Pulling in tighter and get a quicker momentum on the take off!"

"I'm trying Coach" I whine from the other end of the ice where I lay sprawled out on ground

"Charlie-chan, are you alright?" Yuzu asks skating up to me

"God, Yuzu-kun I don't know how you manage to do quads all the time" I say looking up at him from the ice

"I could help you" he suggest, reaching his left hand out to help me out 

I gladly take his hand and he pulls me up effortlessly

"I could use it. It's not everyday you get help from the quad king himself" 

"Then let's do it. The best way to learn quads in a quad competition" he cheers

Oh no

Not the quad competitions...

I see the way Yuzu and Javi battle it out back at the Cricket Club and it's not pretty. Just a bunch of grown men falling from the sky 

Before I can protest Yuzu calls Javi over and I'm stuck against two of the best quad jumpers in the ISU

"Javi! Charlie-chan is joining us for a quad battle" 

"Oh this should be fun. But don't be too hard on your girlfriend Yuzu. I heard she's a sore loser" Javi jokes

"Am not!" 

"Then let's do this chicken" he laughs before skating into his quad toe

He lands it effortlessly and skates back to us, then Yuzu is off going into his quad loop. He too lands flawlessly and then its me...

"Your next Charlie" Javi taunts 

"You can do this princess" Yuzu encourages, pressing a good luck kiss to my cheek 

I lap around the ice quickly, gaining some speed through cross cuts before doing a forward outside three turn and flinging myself up into the jump





....a landing?

I've got to admit, the landing wasn't the most graceful and my arms were all over the place. Plus, my back was hunched over to point where I was basically in a spiral but it was landed

"YES!" Coach hypes, jumping up and clapping his hand

I skate back over to the boys with a bright smile on my face

"I think you owe me an apology Fernandez" I laugh in victory




After a long and tiring day at the rink it was finally time to go home

"I'm so tired" I whine from the backseat

"It's alright Charlie-chan. You can nap on my shoulder" Yuzu says patting his shoulder 

Literally a millisecond before my head hits his shoulder my phone beeps

"Who could it be now?" I groan in annoyance

I pull out my phone and check the message

To from Keith 

Keith: Charlotte...we got a problem...

Keith: Meet me at Chatime bubble tea asap 

"We got a problem" I whisper to Yuzu

I pass him my phone and he reads the message as best as he can before I have to help him out a bit with the English 

"There's nothing we can't handle" he reassures pressing a small kiss to my head

I really hope he's right...

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now