He's Real?!

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I've always loved Disney growing up as a kid and I guess Yuzu did too. I'm glad my boyfriend is actually an overgrown kid because it makes me feel like I can be as childish as I want and he won't judge 

True relationship goals 

"I'm so excited Yuzu-kun!" I exclaim when I see Cinderella's castle in the distance

"I want to buy you a castle, Charlie-chan because you're a princess in my eyes" Yuzu says laying his head on my shoulder and I lean my head on top of his

From the rearview mirror I can see the cab driver roll his eyes and smile a little at Yuzu's lame compliment

That's another thing I love about him. His cheesy compliments. Most people would roll their eyes and laugh at those compliments (like the cab driver) but personally lame and cheesy compliments are romantic in my eyes

"As long as you're my prince charming, I'm all set Yuzu" I tell him before pressing a kiss to his soft cheek

The cab soon comes to halt and the two of us walk to the entrance of the park

"I haven't been to Disney Land before" Yuzu says, holding my hand and guiding me through the park

"I've been here once when I was six. It sucked because I was too short to go on the big rollercoaster but my older sister Rey could" I say reminiscing at the memories of when my family actually felt like a real family


"Daddy! I want to go on the Rock 'n' Roll rollercoaster too!" I shout in protest banging my tiny fists on my Dad's chest while he carried me

"Charlie, that ride is for big kids only"

"Buy Rey get's to go on it"

"Because Rey's a big girl sweetie. Why don't you go see the Seven Dwarfs with your Mom?"

"I hate the Dwarfs, they're creepy!"

"I didn't know you had an older sister" Yuzu says snapping me out of the short memory

"I did. She died a few years ago in a car crash", I tell him, "She was the only family that truly loved me"

"Charlie-chan, I'm so sorry" he says cradling me in his arms

"It's alright Yuzu-kun, let's just enjoy the day"

"If you ever feel like you need to talk to me about it, go ahead. I won't pressure you"

"Thank you for understanding Yuzu-kun"

"Now let's go enjoy the day. I want to see what the Cars ride is all about"


Yuzu and I have been on a couple of rides so far and from what I found out, he's not the biggest fan of rollercoasters

We just got off of the Expedition Everest ride and Yuzu got really scared when the Yeti popped up and the coaster went backwards and down the mountain

"Charlie-chan, that was so scary!" he whines, digging his head in the crook of my neck

"Yuzu-kun, it's just a ride!" I laugh while patting his head a little

"I don't care, now I wanna go on the Winnie the Pooh ride" he protests

We walk over to the Magic Kingdom side of the park where he spots the shack that holds the sign "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh"

"Pooh-san!" Yuzu shouts and drags me over to the surprisingly short line up

"Charlie-chan, have you been on this ride before?" Yuzu asks while we wait patiently in line

"Not that I remember" I reply

Suddenly I feel someone poking my leg and I look down to see what it is

A little kid

"Oh, hello there" I said waving down to the little boy tugging on my pant leg

"Hi!" he says excitedly

"What's your name?" I ask bending down so I'm eye level with him

"I'm Takeo. Are you Charlotte Akagi, the figure skater?"

I nod my head and shoot him a light smile. I've always been good with kids let me say that. I think they're adorable, except the bratty ones...

"I love you!" he shouts, jumping into my arms

"I think you're really pretty", he gushes, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Oh boy, is this funny

Here I am on a date with my real boyfriend and a little kid is asking me out

"Sure Takeo" I laugh looking up from where I'm crouched to see Yuzu roll his eyes in a joking manner

"Takeo, hurry up the line is moving" his Mom calls from ahead of us

And off he goes

Short lived relationship I guess

"I can believe you left me for a 6 year old" Yuzu jokes as we move up in line

All I can do is laugh in response


"I'm so excited!" Yuzu shouts as the two of us are being seated into our own honey jar cart

Yes the carts are shaped like honey jars

"We get to see Pooh-san and all his friends!" he claps excitedly

I'm pretty sure out of all the kids in this whole theme park, my 21 year old boyfriend is the most excited to be on a Winnie the Pooh ride ....

The ride starts to move and we're off on an adventure to see Pooh-san in action

"This is so cute" I gush looking at all the Pooh characters dance around and interact with each other

"See Charlie-chan, I pick rides that won't scar you for life" Yuzu says while wrapping his arm around me

This is comforting. It's nice to just relax on a ride instead of feeling the adrenaline

Then the cart enters another room where things get kinda creepy....

The Pooh characters are in a dark room and everything looks kind of wild and creepy

All the lights were dimmed down and everything was bright neon and swirly 

Is this what it looks like to hallucinate on drugs?

"Yuzu-Kun, this is getting kind of creepy..." I trail

"Don't worry Charlie-chan, I'll protect you" Yuzu says placing his hands over my eyes

I can still hear the voices and all the loud sound effects throughout the ride.... I'm guessing we're still on the scary part?

Suddenly Yuzu moves his hands from my eyes and things are starting to look sweet and childish again

"God Yuzu-kun you said it wouldn't be scary" I accuse as we get out of the cart

"It was adorable! Pooh-san has such cute friends!" He laughs while helping me out of the cart

"Let's go on It's a Small World. I heard that ride was fun"

Oh dear god

Not It's a Small World...

Those dolls give me nightmares...

"Oh my god.." Yuzu says in shock once we're back in the park

I look where he's looking and I almost laugh at the sight

Standing right in front of us is the man, the myth, the legend; Pooh-san himself

Well not for real, it's just some random dude dressed in the Pooh bear mascot costume

"Pooh-san!" Yuzu shouts, letting go of my hand and running towards him

My boyfriend is such a dork isn't he?

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin