Friday Nights

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A/N: The stuff you guys are reading about Mozart in the italics are found on Wikipedia by the way. Please leave comments guys, they make me hella happy! :)

Also you guys might wanna listen to Migraine, Truce, and Ode to Sleep by Twenty One Pilots because they're mentioned in this chapter. I'm so sorry I can't include them in the media because I'm new to Wattpad writing and I'm trash.

Anyways.. enjoy the chapter

I'm such a home body.

So on Friday nights, you already know it's me, a bag of chips, and the internet.

I wish it could've been Netflix on my screen right now, because I'd rather be watching Spongebob than writing my essay on Mozart.

He composed more than 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers, and his influence is profound on subsequent Western art music. Ludwig van Beethoven composed his own early works in the shadow of Mozart, and Joseph Haydn wrote that "posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years".

In all honesty, I'd rather be singing at a bar with Yuzu and Javi than writing a shitty essay.

It's around.

9:00 p.m

It's not too late, for me at least, considering I usually sleep at 3:00 a.m at best.

Getting bored of this essay, I plug my earbuds in and blast some Twenty One Pilots.

I press shuffle on my IPhone and "Migraine" plays. favourite song.

"I-I-I I've got a migraine
And my pain will range from up, down, and sideways
Thank God it's Friday cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays
'Cause Sundays are my suicide days"

I close my eyes and begin to reminisce on memories.

Like that time my parents almost disowned me for wanting to go into a music program.

1 year ago

"How about Health Science?" Mom asked

"Or do you want to apply for Engineering? That sounds like something you would be great at!" Dad adds

The three of us were currently sitting at the kitchen table, looking through uni apps.

Being brought up by Asian parents, it's stereotypical for us kids to go into something, science or math related.

But ever since, I was a kid I always knew something in the arts was the route for me.

Ever since I could hold an instrument, I've been inspired to go into something involving music.

My figure skating career was something they didn't approve of either.

I guess they thought that maybe once I retired in my late 20s and take university courses online during my athletic career, I'll end up as a successful doctor or something.

But parents never really think of what you want do they?

I remember that night, I stormed out of the house and roamed Toronto in the cold Canadian weather.

Stupid parents.

Why can't they consider what I like for a change.

Why can't they see music and skating makes me happy?

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now