What happened and what's going on?

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I woke up the next morning, getting mentally prepared for the long program

Today's the big day. I'm hoping to nail the free so I can catch that gold medal 

I get out of bed and head into my bathroom to take a quick shower and brush up 

As I'm drying my hair, already dressed, I walk into the main area of my room 


That's strange, I don't remember a box being on my desk last night

Curiosity got the better of me; I make my way over to the small box, picking it up. It's a teal blue colour with the words 'Tiffany & CO' written in silver 

I take the object and flip the lid of the box to peak inside, noticing something fall out of it 

I reach over to pick up the folded piece of paper which is lying on the ground

I'm not getting a good feeling from this at all 

This can't be good

My hands gently unravel the sheet and my eyes scan across the familiar hand writing

My Dearest Charlotte,  

I hope your free program today goes as planned,

I'll be watching in the stands. 

Good luck sweetheart!

Yours truly,


Fuck Fuck Fuck

My eyes turn towards the teal box, peaking inside. Sitting in the box is a gold necklace with a heart charm dangling from the chain

I look closer and realize there's small writing on it. I squint a little and read the cursive engraved on the tiny pendant

Romano's Sweetheart

Uh Oh


"Hey Coach I'm gonna run to the bathroom quickly ok?" I call to Coach

The boys and I are back stage once again warming up for the free

The women's event is first in terms of long programs and it starts in 2 hours

Gotta make it to the bathroom fast!

"Alright Charlie, make it fast" Coach tells me 

I run from the back area trying to find the bathroom

Who knew this place was so huge? 

On the third floor of the building, I finally find the washroom 

Thank god!

When I'm finally done with my business, I hurry back to the back stage

That is..

Before someone wraps their hand around my mouth, pulling me into the janitors closet 

"I swear Javi if this is another one of your jokes I'm gonn-" I ramble, but I'm cut of by the voice that sends chills down my spine

"Nice to see you too sweetheart" 

I whip around hoping this is just a hallucination, but alas luck is never on my side

"What the hell are you doing here!" I shout  

"Is that anyway to talk to your future husband?" he questions while grabbing my chin with his fingers

"Piss off!" I shout slapping his hand away 

"What are you doing here anyways!" I shout again

"What? Can't a guy support his girlfriend?" Jordan asks with a smug smirk 

I swear the nerves of this guy

"That's it, you can fuck right off. I'm leaving" I say 

Before I can grab the door knob, my waist is pulled back and my body hits the cold wall behind me

Right in front of me stands the man I thought was my savior so many years ago 

"I'm not done with you yet" he speaks into my ear

His body is pressed on mine, making it hard to try and fight my way out 


His face is jammed in the crook of my neck and I can feel his soft lips pressed against the lobe of my ear

"I could kiss you right now sweetheart"

And like that, his lips are on mine 


What do I do?

What do I do?

All I can do now is hope that the janitor comes in and saves me 

His lips pull away and he presses his cold forehead onto mine

"You look so beautiful in that dress" 

Surely, under my Team Canada jacket is the red Armani dress he left in the change room for me, months ago 

Ok hear me out please

When I went to see Tania Bass, my designer, to pick up my dresses she told me my free program dress wouldn't be done on time for Skate Canada

I had no choice ok?

My thoughts are cut off as I feel his lips on mine yet again


I gotta think of something to do, and fast

"Think fast Charlotte!" I tell myself

And then I do the first thing I can think of










I kiss him back 

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now