Double Agent Charlotte

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A/N: WOW WOW WOW YUZU WON WORLDS! I'm so proud that he set another world record and was able to make up for the points he lost in the free. It was the last time we got to see Hope and Legacy and he did it justice. AND THE KISS AND CRY CLIPS! YUZU'S ENGLISH IS SO ADORABLE I CAN'T! Congrats to Yuzu on his second world title as well as Shoma and Boyang Jin

Location: Bolzano, Italy 

4 days before the wedding

Now the kids weren't lying when they said you have the best thoughts in the shower. This morning as I was washing my hair and getting ready for the so called "date" Romano planned, I had an epiphany. I should just make Romano think I'm interested in him, gain his trust and then make a run for it. That's some pure assassin shit right there 

So here I am seated in a little coffee shop in the heart of Bolzano, waiting for my cappuccino to arrive  

"So tell me Charlotte, what's your favourite thing about me?" Romano asks from across the table 

"Just the way you're always so sweet to me. You always know how to shower me with compliments and gifts" I tell him with a sweet smile and a couple batts of my eyelashes 

I can see the subtle blush making it's way up his cheeks and light giggle comes out of his mouth 

I swear he's the easiest person to flatter. To be honest, his presents really don't phase me and his complements don't affect me at all. I love the way Yuzuru shows his love to me by just the way he looks at me and the way he holds my hand. His presence is enough to make my heart flutter. It's the simple things he does to make me feel loved and just thinking about being away from him is making my heart ache 

"Enjoy your drinks" the waiter says placing down our cups then walking away 

I mutter a "thank you" before Romano begins to speak again 

"So Charlotte, you've been in a good mood recently. Have you finally fallen for my charms?" he asks shooting me a smile 

"I realized that if we were going to get married I might as well get to know you and try to love you as best as I can" I lie 

Oh man, if Rey was here even she couldn't pick out my lies 

Damn, I'm getting good at this 

The conversation keeps going and just consists of him going on about the wedding and me faking a smile each time he says something. This guy should just write fanfiction because he's got some good ideas for something that will never happen 

"...And I was thinking the brides maids could wear this these tulle dresses that look similar to your wedding dress becasue-" 

My mind starts to wander as a new costumer enters the coffee shop and the bell above the door chimes. There, a tall blond woman enters with a man holding her hand. He says something to her that makes her laugh and the two of them make their way over to the counter to order 

"Charlotte sweetheart, were you listening?" Romano asks snapping me out of my daze 

"Hmm? Oh yeah sounds good" I tell him trying to sound like I was listening 

It's a good thing I'm sitting with a clear view of the couple

She looks so familiar and I just can't seem put a finger on it...

I watch as he pays for their drinks and grabs a seat for the two of them near the window. She places her hand bag down and says something to him before enter the washroom

"-And I thought our wedding cake could be vanilla since you don't really like choco-" 

Can't you just put a cork in it Romano? 

"Umm, I'll be back I just need to go to the washroom" I tell him before scooting out of my chair and heading the ladies room 

"Oh uhh sure" he says scratching his chin 

I swear I know her from somewhere...

Who is she...? 

I enter the bathroom and pull my red lipstick out of my purse to reapply while waiting for the girl to leave the stall so I can see who she is 

I hear the toilet flush and the tall woman makes her way over the sink where I stand 

"Charlotte is that you?" she ask with a thick Italian accent 

"Carolina?!" I ask just as shocked 

This may be my one way ticket out of here...

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora