Bring on the Sass

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"I hate you. You know that right?" I tell him as I'm sat on the bed again with my left arm cuffed to the bedpost

"Charlotte, we're not going over this again" he says sternly where he's sat across from me in wooden rocking chair

A thick white bandage could be seen plastered over his nose

"No we are. I hate you. I have and I always will" I push

"Charlotte. Listen" he says

I can tell he's frustrated as he presses a hand to his forehead and rubs it along his face

"You're disgusting and I hate you. You put me and my friends through so much and you think I would ever love you!" I shout


"No you listen. I'm going to find my way out of here and when I do you'll be in jail wishing you were dead instead"

"Charlotte, you have a week to get it together before our wedding and -"

"For once and for all, I'm not marrying you! Get that through your stupid head! What's with you anyways? I have a boyfriend, friends, schooling and a career to handle. I don't need you!"

"I love you more than that boy does! I can give you more than he does!"

"Shut up you bastard! Yuzuru is more than you'll ever be!"

"Oh don't be stupid" he scoffs "he carries around a stuffed tissue box for fun"

Oh that's it

He finally made me crack

You can insult me


But never mess with Yuzuru around me

"Oh I get it you mediocre dunce. You probably watched one episode of  Yuri on Ice and then busted a nut over figure skaters huh?"


"You're probably a weeaboo too. Let me guess you think your Japanese? Well news flash buddy, forcing me to marry you doesn't make you Japanese!"

"CHARLOTTE!" he shouts jumping up from his chair

He starts to pace around the room rubbing a hand through his hair and moving to the window to look out

At this point, I'm just gonna shut up and observe...

He stays by the window for a few minutes before turning around back to me

"Charlotte" he says in a calmed voice "I'm going to come back in an hour and hopefully you'll be calmed down by then"

He then walks over to me and presses a light kiss to my temple before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him

"We'll see you later Satan..." I mumble hoping to cherish my time alone as best as I can

I wonder what the boys are up to?

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin