The Rink Again

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After all the fun we had on my birthday, it was time to pack it in and head back to the rink the next day

Competition season was stressful because practice always came before school work for me

It was difficult for me to me balance skating and school and right now seemed to be one of those moments where I wish I could disappear

"Stupid sheet music" I mumble as I scribble more notes onto some more bars

I was back home with Javi after a chill night at Yuzu's house

It's currently 11:40 p.m and Javi is fast asleep in his room while I'm busy dealing with my uni homework

The thing that sucks about sharing a house with someone else and being a music student, is that you can't practice a piece you wrote. And that's regardless of whether or not they're awake

"Screw this" I mumble, slapping down my pen and picking up my phone

My finger wandered over to the YouTube app where I pull up some danisnotonfire to keep me entertained until I fall asleep

Back at the Cricket, it feels empty without Debby. I know the two of us were never on good terms but it just saddens me to know she's gone. Deep down I know I'll miss arguing with her. Sound like a contradiction I know

I split ways with Javi before I head into the girls change room to get my skates on
"Charlie, Yuzu, Javi? I know this is a bit late, but I was able to get a spot for the three of you to compete in the NHK Trophy at the end of the month. Does that sound good?" Coach asks once we're on the ice

The boys both nod their heads, while I replied with a "yep"

"Alright, then come see me in my office after practice for your forms and we'll get them in asap" Coach says

And away we go to practice

"Wait, Charlie can you hold back a second please?"

"Sure Coach. What's up?"

"I know I didn't get to talk to you when it happened so I wanted to ask you now" he starts

Here we go. The big question

"Why didn't you tell me about what happened with Romano?" He asks

I flinch a bit at his name before giving Coach an answer

"I thought I had it handled but I guess I didn't. He left so many clues and the boys and I tried to get help but the police were never convinced until he killed my parents and....I don't know I'm sorry Coach"

"Charlie, I know you did your best to try and stop him but you aren't invincible you know that right? I'm not invincible either but I could've done my best to help you. The next time something serious like this happens again you come talk to me ok?" He questions in a stern voice and all I can do is nod

"Alright good girl. Now give me a triple axel" he says smiling a bit

I smile back at him before skating off and jumping into the triple axel

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang