What hurts the most

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A/N:AYEEE NEW CHAPTER ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! So the week is coming to an end and March Break is next week so I'll have time to hopefully update more

After the madness that occurred with the wedding dress the air become silent and room fell completely still

"What does he mean by 'soon' ?" Yuzu asks quietly

"I don't know but whatever it is we gotta act fast and ahead of him" I answer

"Uhh.. Yuzu? I think you should stay the night. With everything going on we should stick together" Javi proposes


Christmas night soon came to an end and the boys and I were heading to bed to call it a night 

As I was leaving the bathroom and heading over to my own room, I couldn't help but notice a faint sob coming from the guest room

"Yuzu-kun...?" I ask pushing the door open

Inside, Yuzu was curled up on the bed with his head buried in his knees, shaking

I could feel my heart break at the sight of my boyfriend crying

This isn't how I wanted to spend my Christmas

This isn't how I wanted to spend it with my boyfriend

This was something I wish I never saw

"Yuzu-kun..why are you crying?" I ask gently walking over to where he's sat on the bed

Although I have an idea about why he's crying, I couldn't help but ask 

"Ch-Charlie-chan?" he asks looking up at me with red splotchy eyes 

I can see the hurt and pain in his eyes

He looks up at my with such a broken soul that it makes me want to burst out crying too

And I do 

"Yuzu-kun, this..this isn't about him is it?" I ask gently

Again, I knew the answer to the question before it was even asked 

The answer to my question was confirmed when I watched him shakily nod his head and then duck it back down 

"Yuzu-kun, will get through it ok? I won't let him hurt you, or Javi, or Coach, or-"

"Charlie-chan, I'm not afraid if he hurts me. I'm more worried about you! Can't you see that every time he sends something to us it hurts me more and more? Why can't I just love you. Just me. I don't need him chasing after you. I don't need you to be afraid. I don't want to be constantly living in fear because I'm worried about what he might do to you" he shouts through wet eyes and a shaky voice

"Yuzu-kun, I promise we can do this together. You won't lose me and I won't allow it. No matter what happens I love you the most. I do and I always will. You gave me so much love and no one else can do the same for me. You're my moon and all the stars, Yuzu.  I love that you care about me and want to protect me, but Romano won't get me" I tell him with tears rolling from my cheeks and splashing to my pyjama pants  

"Charlie-chan, I don't want him to take you away from me. I love you too much to ever let you go" he says pulling a small smile and wrapping his slender arms around me

"I love you too Yuzu-kun. So,so much" I reply, wiping the salty tears from my eyes onto the sleeves of my t-shirt 

I kiss his forehead as a goodnight and get up to leave when I feel him tugging onto my shirt, begging me not to go

"Charlie-chan, please stay with me tonight?" he asks tilting his head a little

"Of course Yuzu-kun" I say smiling back at him 

I get under the covers with him and rest my head onto his chest listening to his heart beat, letting it calm me down 

"I love you Yuzu-kun and I promise, you'll never be without me" I tell him before shutting off the lamp light

Oh boy, was I wrong about that...

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora