Meet the Pooh bear Squad

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"This one is Parisienne Walkways Pooh which someone gave to me after Sochi"

He brings the Pooh bear off his shelf and hands him to me.

Without a doubt, the Pooh bear is dressed in the water colored blue dress shirt Yuzu wore during his performance.

"Awe he looks like you!" I told him, squeezing the bear's cheeks

"I know, I'm just the cutest aren't I?" He asks me

"Of course, you're absolutely adorable" I joke as I ruffle his hair, similar to what he did to me earlier

He turns around and pulls me into his chest, beginning to tickle me to death.

I fall onto his bed as he continues to attack me with tickles.


Instead of stopping, he continues to tickle the life out of me.

I'm sprawled out on his bed like a dead animal, squealing like a maniac.

After he finally stops, I feel like I'm ripped with 6-pack abs.

"What was that for?!" I say completely out of breath, dying to get some oxygen

"I don't know, I just felt like it" He says with a shrug of his shoulders


"Hey you cheated in UNO" he replies

"I won fair and square!"

"Hey that's not what Pooh-san said" he tells me, holding his Pooh bear tissues box up

"Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna beat him up!" I yell, snatching the tissue box from his hands

"NOO NOT POOH-SAN!" He shouts trying to grab the bear from my hands


And soon we're in an all out frenzy.

I'm running around his room, dodging furniture while he tries to pull the stuffed bear from my hands.


I make my way out his bedroom and towards the bathroom.

To bad he was quick or else I would've shut the bathroom door and locked it.

He bursts into the bathroom but before he can do anything he sees what I'm about to do.

"Say "Charlie is the best UNO player in the world" or else the bear gets it" I say as I hold Pooh bear over the toilet

"Charlieeeeeee pleasseeeee" he whines

"Say it" I taunt, as I inch the bear closer to the toilet bowl

"Ok ok. Charlie is the best UNO player in the world" he says

"Ok thanks for admitting it" I say as I toss the stuffy over to him

"Charlie-san I never knew you could be so evil" he says as  he pets Pooh's head, placing a small kiss on top

The two of us made our way, walking back over to his bedroom.

"Awe but you love me Yuzu-kun!" I say pinching his cheeks

"That I do" he says whacking me on the head with the tissue box

The two of us sit on his bed while I initiate the conversation.

"So you said you were at the library yesterday studying for exams?" I ask the question which has been on my mind

"Oh yeah. I have to go back to Japan on Wednesday to write" he answers

" what are you studying?"

"Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences at Waseda University"

"Oh that's interesting. My parents wanted me to go into sciences. They're kind of ashamed to tell people I'm in music tho" I laugh bitterly

"You do what you love to do. In 30 years from now when you're living without your parents, are you going to care what they think? What matters the most is that you do the things that make you happy. Be the person you dream of becoming. When you retire from skating and get a new job, you're going to hate it if it's not your passion. I hate to say it but being a figure skater won't last forever, but the career you choose after will"

"Wow I never knew you could be so wise" I say jokingly

"I'm serious Charlie-san. Even though you think you're parents might not be proud of you remember that I am. I'll always be proud of you" he says sincerely

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora