Saya joins the Ship

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"So Charlie-san, you will be staying in this room" Saya says bringing me across the hall to a bedroom 

"Thank you Saya-san" I reply with a bow 

Like the speed of light, Saya pulls me into the room and slams the door shut

"You and my brother are so darn cute!" she squeals 

"Uhh.. thanks" I say awkwardly 

I've never been the best at meeting new people, like I've said before

"Oh come on. You two are perfect for each other. He's always dreamed of having the perfect girlfriend and I can see he really loves you. Of course he always talks about you too. He said you're everything he's wanted in a girl even though you don't see it in yourself" Saya rambles 

"He-he really says that about me?" 

"Of course! He loves you to death. I really do hope the two of you last, but I'm glad you seem like a good girl. I've always been protective of my baby brother" 

From the kitchen we heard Mrs. Hanyu call "Everyone, dinner time!" 

"Come on, it's time to eat!" Saya cheers, grabbing my hand and brining me down the stairs

 Set on the table is a piping hot bowl of Katsudon for all seven of us. One of the things I hate the most about meeting new people is eating with them. For some reason, I have a weird phobia of eating front of people I'm not too comfortable with

I slip into a seat between Yuzu and Javi while Saya grabs a seat next to Yuzu and her Mom

Here goes the human interaction...

"So Charlotte, we heard you won bronze at NHK?" Mr. Hanyu starts, cutting into his pork cutlet

Is he gonna grill me for not winning gold?

Holy shit, he's gonna make us break up because I'm a shit skater isn't he?!

Dear God, I can only imagine the million ways I can screw this dinner convo up...

"Ummm wasn't my best skate for sure..." I answer awkwardly hoping not the spit rice across the table 

"But you won gold at Skate Canada and Cup of China right?" Mrs. Hanyu inquires 

All I can do at this point is nod my head or else I'm gonna projectile vomit all over the kitchen floor

"I'm so proud of her though! She had a clean skate at Cup of China in both her short and free" Yuzu cuts in, sensing my nervousness 

Thank god for Yuzu-kun...

"So what do you want to be after skating Charlotte?" Mr. Hanyu asks

Oh no, not career choices...

They're gonna kill me when they find out I don't want to be a doctor...anything non science or math related in a big no no in Asian families...

"I really want to be a composer and write music for skaters" I answer back 

Yuzu's parents just nod their heads and continue on eating

I screwed this up, didn't I?

"She has a beautiful singing voice too" Yuzu chirps up 

"Wow you can sing too!?" Saya asks excitedly 

"Yeah, I can play the piano, violin, trumpet, and saxophone too" I answer back shyly, hoping to save my ass here

"You really picked a keep here Yuzu. Like I always say, you two are the cutest! Please name your daughter after her aunty " Saya laughs   

Thank god for Saya...

"Wait what did she say?" Javi asks 

I guess him and Coach have been kind of outside the loop this whole conversation since we were all talking in Japanese 

I recite what Saya said but in English and to be very honest, I kind of regret it...

"OH MY GOD A NEW MEMBER OF THE YUZULOTTE SHIP HAS RISEN!" Javi cheers, reaching over to pat Saya on the back 

By looking at the confused look on her face, I quickly translated Javi's English to Japanese so she could understand

And that's how I became the human version of google translate for the night 


"I know! The Yuzulotte ship is lifestyle not a phase. How long do you think it takes to become a  Priest? Because if they get married in the next two years, I want to be in charged of the service" Javi adds

"I hope they get married on a beach. Beach weddings are the sweetest!" Saya sequels

"So Charlotte, do you think we could come to Canada and meet your parents some time?" Mr. Hanyu asks

And suddenly the air in the room is still 

I sit in my seat like a deer caught in the headlights before Yuzu saves my face once again 

"Ummm.. Mom, Dad..." he starts

Before going on he looks at me for my approval and I just nod my head. I figured it's better to tell them the truth instead of lying to their faces 

"Her parents aren't here anymore..." he says gently 

And then the table sits in silence for a few seconds...

"They were murdered recently.." is all I can add to the conversation 

More silence...

Now they think I'm so freak with no parents right..?

As we sit in silence, the only thing I can do pull at the sleeve of my sweater while I wait for the reply 

I can feel my eyes fill with hot tears that might spill over. This sucks. It really does. The one time I try to put my anxiety aside for my boyfriend, something like this happens

I can feel the tears spill onto my blue jeans. I shoot up from my seat at the table and rush out the door with Yuzu calling my name behind me

And then I'm faced with that familiar scene of running away from home like I did years ago 

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now