Keith the Personal Assistant

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"Well you heard the man. We gotta get rid of this thing!" Javi shouts running outside with the necklace

"Javi wait!" I shout following him outside

"Javi what are you planning on doing with it?" I ask him 

"Getting rid of it!" he shouts again

Yuzu and Coach have soon joined us outside, watching the madness unfold

"I have a better idea. Instead of chucking it away how about we just break it" I tell him

"Well let's do it! What are you waiting for?" 




"Alright keep going, keep going..." I instruct Coach as he backs up the car 

Javi wanted to smash it with a hammer but I had a better idea

I placed the necklace under the back wheel of the car and let Coach do the honours of backing up onto it 

Yuzu, Javi, and I watch as the swan smashes to pieces and is left in small bits

"Well I'd say that worked well" Javi says going to take a better look at the necklace

"Guys...he sent Charlie-chan a tracker. But how has he been watching her before?"Yuzu asks

"That's a good point, we need to figure that out"I tell the boys, getting up from my crouched position and heading back to the house




"So Keith said that was a tracker we just destroyed, but there needs to be more to it. How could he have found me before the tracker?" I ask while the four of us sit back at the table in the living room once again

"You are a famous skater so maybe the media was his main source?" Coach proposes 

"That's a good point, but I have a feeling...and I know there's more. There's always more" I say tapping my finger to my chin 

"What could it be? I mean he is pretty sneaky to get in and out of your hotel rooms and the house" Yuzu states

"Guys...let's search the house. There's always more" 

Something in me is telling me there is and with Romano, he always goes the full distance 




It was full out mayhem in the house

Like I'm talking a full out mess

Everyone was going at it like no tomorrow. Javi searched the upper level, while Coach took the basement, and Yuzu and I covered the main floor

"Do you see anything Yuzu-kun?" I ask from where I'm looking under the sofa in the family room

"Not really...I'm not getting any clues" he says from the kitchen 

"Well let's keep looking..." Is all I can reply with 

As I move to search around the TV, I accidentally knock down the antique clock that sits upon the fireplace


"What was that?" Yuzu asks rushing to the family room 

"I uhhh broke Javi's clock..." I tell him embarrassed

Javi's gonna kill me...

"Hey is everything alright?" Javi asks coming down from the upper floor

"I umm broke your clock.." I tell him looking down ashamed

"Charlie! That was my grandma's favourite clock! How could you!" he shouts coming to investigate it

"I'm sorry Javi! I really am! I'll pay for it to get fixed, I promise. It's not that bad it should be repairab-"

"Look at that!" Yuzu says staring down at a piece that fell from the clock 

"What is it?" Javi asks, completely changing emotions from pissed to concerned

"It's like" Yuzu says unsure

A little ball like object fell from the top piece of the clock and was now spinning around drastically on the floor, probably recording all our actions

It glimmers a familiar red light almost like swan charm...


"Javi, relax. We found some more evidence. Now we need to get Keith back on the line" I say picking up the tiny ball




"Keith? I'm sorry to wake you up again, but there's another piece of evidence" I tell him through the laptop camera once again

"Mmmmm, it's alright Charlotte. I know you need my help" he says rubbing the sleep out his eyes and redoing his little man ponytail again 

"So what is it?" 

"I think it might be a camera, not too sure" I tell him showing the object 

"Hmmmm, looks like it might be...only some investigating can tell" he says

And soon he's instructing us how to disable it and hook it up to a monitor 

1 hour later

If I'm being honest, working gently with a camera the size of a peanut isn't the easiest of things to do 

On the other line, Keith had slipped off to sleep multiple times before we had to wake him up again to repeat some steps 

"Aha! I think we finally got it guys!" Coach cheers when we can see video on Javi's laptop 

"Keith? Do you want to watch the video with us? Then you can tell us what's up" I say into my laptop's camera

"Huh? Oh yeah for sure" Keith says looking wide eyed back at me

"Alright Yuzu-kun, hit play" I tell him 

The video goes on and soon we're faced with footage from stuff that has happened 6 months ago 

"Oh my god" I whisper looking at the screen

There's footage of me eating breakfast with the boys, the three of us watching some movie on TV, Javi reading the morning paper, and of course when I opened the box with my parents heads in it

"Charlotte..." Keith begins

"There's more. There's always more" he says quoting me 


Always more


Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora