Purple Rain

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A/N: I can't believe we're on chapter 11 already... wild

Dearly beloved

We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called "life"Electric word, life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you
There's something else
The afterworldA world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night

I walk into the rink and see Yuzuru on the ice with his choreographer, Tracy Wilson, on the side.

He's working on his short program to "Let's Go Crazy"  by Prince.

Good thing, I came into the rink just on time to see his glorious quad loop.


He goes up into the jump and falls over on the landing.

Getting up and moving into a spread eagle, he continues skating into the next...quad?

Right after another?

He goes up into the air on the quad sal triple toe combination, landing it flawlessly.

For someone with asthma, he can sure powder through jumps.

He fires up into his triple axel and I watch in awe as he kicks his left foot into the air, moving into a spin.

Then he does the thing.

The thing where he slides across the ice like a rock star hitting the last notes to the final song at a concert.

Oh My God.

That was the greatest performance I have ever seen.

Now that's an Olympic champion that I want to be.

He skates over to the side where Tracy is standing, me a few steps behind her.

"Well I think we need to..."

And Tracy goes off telling Yuzu all the things he needs to improve.

But in my mind everything about his performance was perfect.

He was perfect.

Does the voice in your mind ever have a voice of itself? Because I'm pretty sure that was it.

Or it's denial

Shut up

Wow I'm crazy

I see Yuzu turning his head to look behind Tracy, finding my eyes and smiling a little.

I hurry off to the change room awkwardly.

Did he catch me staring?

I get my skates on and dump my stuff off in the change room, heading to the ice.

The first jump, I start to practice is the triple lutz.

I can't believe I used to be so good at landing this jump.

Yuzu's short program music starts up again and I'm lost in a trance as I watch him skate the program.

If you don't like the world you're living in
Take a look around you
At least you got friends

You see I called my old lady
For a friendly word
She picked up the phone
Dropped it on the floor
Uh uh was all I heard

Are we gonna let the elevator
Bring us down
Oh, no Let's Go!

I wish I could be like him.

The way he skates, the way he smiles, the way he's able to get on your mind.

I wish I could be an Olympian like him.

That's the kind of champion figure skating women deserve.

Not me

I get ready to go into my jump, but time just isn't on my side.

As I launch into the jump, I get distracted by watching Yuzu do his footwork across the ice.

I've never let a guy take over my thoughts like this before.

But I don't like him do I?

I've only known the guy personally for like what, 3 days?

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن