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Day 71; Time 08:45pm


Ivy didn’t say anything after that and just left with Devon saying all her family stories when I was staring at her and she just gave me a small smile. What happened with Tylor I had no idea, but the curiosity was killing me and I had to know so I walked over to Aal who was chatting with Ajaz and Kitty, “Can I have a minute.”

“Sure” she replied and we walked over to the pool

“So at last after all these years of stalking you finally have her” she smirked

“Of course I do, didn’t you listen when Mr. Jacob use to tell us that hard word will never go waste.” I smiled and looked at the water

“You listened to him? I was busy staring at his tanned yet handsome face” we both laughed at that and she stopped and let out a heavy sigh

“Thank you”

I gave her a questioning look when she continued, “For getting Ivy back to normal after what happened on New Year’s she forgot how to be herself.”

“What happened on New year’s? I called you to cancel the lunch but Kendal told me you already did. I know I don’t want to interfere or something but whenever Tylor’s name comes up she goes back to being her sad self you know. I really can’t see that.”

“Why don’t you ask her…..”

Day 71; Time 11:30pm


Aal had gone after a few hours and she told her byes to everyone expect Logan, Devon and me she told us that it is no use and she will meet us again anyways. Now my agenda was to read the letter,

 “She really liked Devon.” Logan came and sat next to me on the couch and settling himself (let me add cuddling me to death) beneath the quilt I was using, “Yah she does.” I smiled mentally holding Logan hand on my lap and his other arm was around my shoulder making random figures on them.

I placed my head under his chin and he kissed my hair taking in the scent, Aal was really happy to see Devon he looked like Tylor and he was like him in all the ways imagined. No wonder my parents were so eager to adopt him, it was not a problem actually because he was nineteen and responsible and legal and all that. But my dad wanted him officially and so he will.

“What happened on New Year’s?” the question asked was like a feather being tickled in your ears, the difference was that it didn’t make me giggle but I froze in that spot, my hands which were in Logan’s grip loosened and I shifted uncomfortably, the warmth I was feeling from him was replaced by anger and frustration.

How am I supposed to say what happened to my blood brother, my BB who loved me more than his own girlfriend. What should I say about Fronia and her sufferings because of me.

“I…..uh!” I moved away from his arm and he removed it from my shoulder and looked at me, “I called you..” he hesitated and looked into my eyes, the silent tears were already out, no sobbing no sniffing just tears streaming out of my eyes…. It was involuntary. “and you didn’t pick up then Kendal told me you went out…..where did you go?”

I don’t want to talk about it.

“Ivy look at me” I was staring at our hands and watched his thumb brushing the back of my hand. ”Ivy” Logan called again and I looked at him, “Baby please don’t cry.”

Those words were enough for me to break down I started crying; this was the first time after that terrible day I let it all out. I knew that I had to do it but I never thought it would be with the boy who loves me the most. I couldn’t ask for more, “Ivy” he whispered my name and pulled me into a hug.

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