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A/N- Before writting the story I din't even know that a name IVY exsited. Thanks to my friend. i Saw her What'sapp pic and asked her who the hell is she? and she told me Ivy. And i really like the name :D

Okay! go on read. I'll zip up now...




I was trying my best to memorize all the answers. I mean it is my final exam of high school; I have to score in order to be in LA with Tylor.

“Are you done with your chants. Now please if you could let us sleep.”

Aal came down the stairs and stood on the last one.

Ok, so what if I have a bad habit of roaming in the whole house, shouting on top of my voice to learn my lesson, before the exam night. I mean that is what a normal teenager does right?

“Sorry, tomorrow is my last exam and I have to get done with it, unlike you of course.”

“Whaaaat do you mean by me?” she yawned and gave me sleepy look.

“Go sleep, I’ll listen to music and study. Good night”

“Good night. And thank you.”

I went back to the couch. Toke my phone out. Plugged the headphone and started to listen to music. Now yeah, I did have another dirty habit of listing to music on full volume and sit quietly and stare at the book. The books words get encrypted in my brains.

Wow that was a very good thought. In such a detail.

“Get up aren’t you getting late?” a flash of bright light came straight on my face.

“What the hell, let the poor girl sleep.” I wanted to pull my blanket up, and I got a thin sheet of something. I could really not make out what it was since, I wanted to go back to my concert.

“Ivy, GET UP!” Someone shook my shoulders so hard and I just fell on the floor. The hard tiles just hit my spine hard.

What, I don’t have tiles in my room, where the hell is my rug?

“What the hell man!” I yelled to the unknown person trying to wake me up. Still rubbing both of my eyes.

“You have exams, and I don’t care if you get late. But wait I do, cause mom is eating my head up to wake you.” Aal threw cold water on my face.

“Shut up! Why am I not in my room? Where is my rug and my blanket. And why the hell am I late?”

These important questions are to be answered.

Why was I even disturbed when I was having my precious sleep? My sleep! My concert! Front row of Connor Maynard’s concert. I hate when someone disturbs my live-a-real-dream sleeps.

“Why? Are you still sub-conscious?”

“No, answer me you idiot.” I stood up and sat on the floor my back lean against the couch.

“Oh! You don’t dare idiot me, big sister. I, like an idiot missed my first period and I am trying to wake you up. And oh! You miss your dear blanket eh? For your kind information, you slept on the couch last night by yelling some stupid 1D song.” She crossed her arm and stood in front of me.

I processed everything she said and I could say only one thing “1D is not stupid, though I like them average but they have the best songs ever.”

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