"What if you got attacked?"

I stopped moving and glanced behind me to where Andrea was half asleep half-awake holding onto her sister...She still hadn't moved an inch. I thought maybe with everyone still out of sight and me gone she would have moved but...It's all my fault. I wasn't fast enough. "Then you wouldn't have to deal with another random person in your group."

"Thas how you think of it huh?!"

I slowly stood up and turned in his direction, he had gotten a lot closer the last I checked, "Why are you so peeved about this, I didn't do anything wrong. I'm the military trained person here, hello!"

"Puttin yourself and us in danger is what you gone and did, what if you had fallen asleep or had gotten attacked when you left to hunt!"

He had gripped tightly on my arm during his angry comment, he continued to glare at me, so I returned the favor. "I was just helping! Who cares if I'm in danger!? Not that I would be in any, nothing would happen to me anyway! As long as you guys are safe then everythings fine!"

I attempted to pull his arm off of me but no matter how I pushed at his arms he refused to let go. I didn't want to go and hurt him with my true strength. With his grip on me and my clothing he pulled me closer, our faces only inches away, "I want you to be safe I don't wanna lose anyone else!"

It was silent for two minutes straight after his strange comment. They were complaining about there being someone from outside the group they'd formed. So what did it matter. Andrea had looked for a second to see what was going on but quickly lost interest. Inside the RV though, Shane, Carl, Glenn, Rick and TDogg had exited in a rush after hearing our yelling. Daryl looked over at them and I quickly used it as my way to escape. This is payback for being stupid. I jumped up in between the arms he held and kicked him in the face. He quickly let me go but since it happened so quickly, I ended up landing on my butt. Meanwhile he stumbled back and almost fell.

"What in the hell is going on out here!?"

I slowly stood up brushing the dirt away from my pants as me and Daryl continued to glare at each other, "I don't know, ask him." I walked away from the campfire to my crossbow and began to walk out of camp. I felt Daryl get up quick as lightning to follow me, "I'm going hunting, don't follow me!"

( Rick POV )

"Umm..what just happened?" Glenn glanced at the campfire from last night only to find an untouched but dead deer.  With an even more confused stare he looked over at me, "Also when did we get a deer?"

I brought my hand up to massage my forhead, glancing at Shane we nodded at each other before he walked back into the RV to wake everyone up. "I'm guessing Y/N or Daryl got it."

When Shane came back out he handed me my radio, the one I had gotten back from the bag of guns. Glenn spoke again, "I'm going after Y/N."

"Make sure she's alright," Glenn nodded his head at me before running over and grabbing a gun for his small trip.

Daryl attempted to stop Glenn, "No imma get her."

I had begun to walk away from the scene, still I glanced back to see Shane gripping Daryl's shoulder and talking to him, "You just fought, I don't think it'd be good for her to see you right now."

Daryl smacked his hand away before stalking off in the opposite direction of Glenn and soon his figure disappeared shook my head as I headed over to a more quiet place. I crouched down onto the floor, my radio in hand before turning it on.

"Morgan, I don't know if you're out there n I don't know if you can hear me. Maybe you're listenin right now, I hope so." I paused for a second hoping to hear a response. When I didn't, I continued, "I found others, my family if you can believe it. My wife and my son, they're alive. I wanted you to know that." I paused once more as I stared over the trees, this small hill gave me the slightest view of the he overrun city in the distance. "There's something else I want you to know, Atlanta isn't what we thought, it's not what they promised us!..Do Not Enter The City, it belongs to the dead now."

Bitten But Alive (The Walking Dead X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now