I laughed having forgotten the previous conversation before the boy brought us here. Oh Darylll


After Rick had gone protective dad on me cause of this weird kid, Daryl suddenly rushed to Glenn's bag and pulled out his brothers hand. What is he gonna do?

"Wanna see what happened to the last guy that pissed me off?" Oh I am so gonna enjoy this. I smiled wide as he carefully unwrapped a certain missing appendage before tossing it in the boys lap. After our little knife dilemma the boy had sat back on the chair.

"Euww ahh! Ahh! ,"the boy smacked the hand out of his lap  and I giggled watching it flop onto the floor. He was panicking and jumping in fright before falling off the chair. He slammed backward almost doing a roll over his head before fighting to his feet and rushing to the  other side of the room. "What the fuck! What's wrong with you!"

Daryl stomped his way over bloodlust in his eyes as he pushed the boy onto the ground, his arm pushing against the boys throat. The boy clawing helplessly at Daryls strong arm, "Don't worry~ I'll start with the feet this time!"

"Daryl we can't hurt him," I tried to sound serious but I was too busy giggling at the boys reaction to the hand.

He didn't listen to me obviously so Rick ran over and pulled him off the boy. Having sent Daryl to sit down and not murder..Rick turned back to the boy in a calming manner, "Listen ,you guys took our friend all we wanna do is talk to them and see if we can work somethin out."

I walked over and stood behind Rick looking down at him, "Please?"

The boy immediately nodded and mentally I was so confused. What is up with guys and falling for a zombie? Then again, they don't know that little detail but still...


Another man rushing out from the darkness yelling at Daryl ripped me out of my thoughts. I had no idea who he was. "This is the fucking puto that shot me in the ass with an arrow!" He brought out his gun and quickly raised it to Daryls head. He looked about to shoot until the man who seemed to be in charge pushed his gun down, in a smooth motion, "Chill chill...chill." Once the man had pointed it down he looked over at Daryl his glare and rage still visible, "Is it true? You want miguelito's feet? Is pretty sick man."

I had finally gotten my pants loose so I slowly stood up hoping that nothing had ripped. After spinning like a fool trying to look at my butt I assumed it was fine and I began to walk over to where TDogg had gone. But I got lost.

In the meantime, I continued to listen to the conversation and Rick answered back, "We were hoping more for a calm discussion."

"Miguelito gets taken, gets threatened to get his feet cut off and my other man gets shot in the ass n you want a CALM discussion? " The man shook his head, "You fascinate me. Fucking dumbass."

I could feel Ricks internally eyeroll before he spoke, "Mistakes were made on both sides." Should I walk out towards them or try and find TDogg? Also aren't they the ones who attacked us first. If shit goes down I'd be better out there, right?

"Who's he to you then? You don't look related... at all," after Rick explained our group situation Daryl asked for his brother. To which they shrugged, "Sorry but fresh out of white. I got asian. Interested?"

"Glenn! Thank god you're safe," I mummbled to myself as I hid behind a wall near the entrance. I had decided to stay on the ground floor, plus it'd be faster to shoot if things went bad.

"I have one of yours, you have one of mine. Sounds like an even trade," the fact that they didn't come back for that guy makes it seem like he was just expendable. If only this was a weird dream I was having while sleeping at camp....

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