h-he's gone?

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hey guys! i know that this is short but i promisei'll post more soon. please comment!

“h-he’s dead?” I stuttered.

“ he had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,” he, stop taking in intake of air.  “it was quick, he didn’t want to be treated,”

I closed my eyes, picturing Kevin’s dark hair and brown eyes, his amazing laugh and how he held me in his arms.

“why didn’t he tell me?” I wondered aloud.

“he loved you,” Carson told me. “he thought he was protecting you,”

 I took another deep  breath, before asking the most important question. “when,”

my voice was weak, it had given up. It was audible- but pathetic.“two days ago,” I nodded, like he was in front of me, but made no other effort to speak.

He cleared his throat, on the other end of the phone.

“ um,” he stopped. “there’s some things that he wanted you to have , so maybe be you can come by- sometime maybe after the funeral on Sunday,”

“that be great,” I told him. “ I need to say good bye,” I whispered softly, he didn’t appear to have heard it.

“yeah,” he said awkwardly.

“I’ll see you Sunday,” I told him, ending the call and collapsing on my bed.

Kevin’s dead.  Kevin is dead. I didn’t just talk to him like I thought it did, because he gone and I’ll never see him again.

             I fixed my shawl and stepped out of my mother’s car.

“you look amazing,” she bluntly lied.

I haven’t slept in two days, I’ve been crying none stop and she’d had to force me to get in the shower and do my hair.

“Thanks,” I whispered.

“Anna?” someone asked as my mother pulled away.

“Carson,” I noted, looking him up and down.

His chocolate eyes, were like that of Kevin, but that was where the similarities began and ended. He sandy blond hair, that was in cut military style, he  was medium height, and the build of a competitive swimmer.  His smell was a familiar musk; that was defiantly Kevin’s Axe .  at the moment you can tell that he was unkempt, but you knew he wasn’t always this way. 

 yeah,” he answered, sticking his hand out for me to shake, “I’m Carson,”

I giggled gaily. “I’m Anna, but I guess you knew that,”

he nodded, giving a soft smile and led me inside.

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