Nick shifted forward, resting his forearms on the desk, partially over the papers that scattered the surface.

With a sigh, Ray looked up at him.

"This doesn't mean I've accepted the pack. Or that they've accepted me," Ray opened the first drawer on the right of the desk. "I've told my father and the pack, and now I'm telling you; this is only a favour I'm doing. When the pack, or any werewolf, needs me they can openly ask for help, like my father did. And since its my duty to tame these animals, I cannot refuse them," he shut he drawer with a little too force, shaking the entire desk. Then moved to the next one.

The words 'I didn't ask for this' were always present at the back of Ray's mind, like they were then. He pushed them further back, mimicking the action physically as he shut the second drawer shut, like it would help.

"What are you looking for?"

Ray paused just long enough to give Nick a brief glance. He rummaged through the third and last drawer, which had surprisingly less content than the other two.

"A piece of document," he replied simply.

"Yes, I know that, Einstein. What document is it?" Nick supported his weight on his forearms as he peered over the edge of the desk.


He understood the command behind his name. Nick sank back into his seat, keeping his eyes on Ray.

"I thought you trusted me,"

Ray halted his actions. "I do," he said looking at Nick. He rushed out a breath all too quickly, suddenly feeling tension bare down on his shoulders. Bringing his hand up to his neck, Ray massaged a particularly sore spot. "It's just. . ." he didn't know how to share it.

Ray had never felt the need to share anything with anyone, especially when it was related to his childhood. He never liked recalling the events that happened that day when he had to leave the pack with his father.

"It's. . ." he tried again, unsure of what to say next. He looked back down at the drawer, that had two marker pens and a box of staples laying over some paper, hoping to find the words there. "I think, I may kno--" he stopped short.

Something in the small compartment had caught his attention. Ray reached down and slid it out from underneath. He stared at it for a second. It was an envelope, the paper turning yellow with age, with a wax seal. At one point, perhaps the seal must have represented an imprint of some kind, but years of exposure had it melted and smeared around the edges, almost as if someone had heated it again so it would reseal.

Slowly, Ray flipped the envelope to see the other side. In a neat, feminine handwriting written were the words:

To, Andrew Carter,

From, Raina

"What's that?"

Realization hit Ray and he let the envelope drop through his fingers as if it had burned him. He stared at it for a second longer before closing the drawer, feeling a little shaky.

"Nothing," Ray stood from the chair, walking over to where the folders were kept in bulks. They were arranged in alphabetical order. He skipped to the letter R.

Ray felt a hand on his shoulder, but he didn't turn.

"These are more than rogue attacks," he said in a low voice so only Nick could hear.

Nick walked around him to lean on a shelf beside him.

"I can't tell you everything now," Ray looked at Nick, letting the words 'but I'll tell you later' hang in the air between them.

The expression he was giving was enough to have Nick believe something serious was unfolding.

Ray had had just a doubt at first. Although it wasn't what he was searching for, the envelope lit a lightbulb in his head. He wasn't entirely sure, but it was a possibility that someone from the past had come back.

And they had come back to seek revenge.

Hey guys! I'm sorry this is up late! I know I said Sunday but, honestly I don't even know where the days went, and before I know its Thursday already?!

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Hey guys! I'm sorry this is up late! I know I said Sunday but, honestly I don't even know where the days went, and before I know its Thursday already?!

Well anyway, how did you find this chapter? I hope you're still sticking around! Don't go anywhere, the story has just started. Took me a while to get it into motion, but we're here now so you might as well fasten your belts :)

Leave me feedback and vote if you've read so far! It would really help me, really. But I'm going to continue updating regardless of it :D

Aanyway, its three in the morning and I van barely keep my eyes open soo... I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next one will be up sooner, I promise!

See you soon ^^

~ Mich♡

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