"Should be on their way soon," seokjin nodded tiredly. He still had baby hoseok in his arms, the baby happily sleeping in his arms. Namjoon was practically glued to their side, refused to leave unless a nurse came in to check on them. He kissed the baby and seokjin before heading to the front of the hospital.

He stood there for a few minutes, the air was a little chilly but it woke him up. Jinyoung and the kids walked up to him soon after. Yoongi ran into his dad's arms already asking about his brother. Youngjae seemed excited too along with his brothers. Bambam was bouncing on his little feet, yugyeom was asking a million questions about where babies came from that jinyoung pointedly ignored. Namjoon just laughed, pretty soon yoongi would be asking him those kinds of questions too.

They entered seokjins room quietly, yoongis mouth was wide open in wonder. He carefully climbed onto the hospital bed, he asked politely if he could go closer. Seokjin nodded and made a small space for him on the bed. Yoongi crawled slowly towards his baby brother, he couldn't explain the feeling he had inside. Namjoon placed the sleeping baby into yoongis little arms. For a while the room was quiet, yoongi staring at his brother in awe.

"so tiny," yoongi whined. His little eyes watered but his parents knew he wasn't sad. He was just excited to be a big bother. He made a silent promise to always protect his baby brother from anything scary. He now had to take on the role of the big brother, he kissed his brothers chubby cheek to seal the promise. They let him hold him for as long as he wanted before handing the little bundle over to jinyoung.

"Can i hold it?!" bambam asked excitedly.

"It's not an it!" yugyeom was quick to defend.

"Then what is it?"

"You're not holding him, you want to hold him youngjae?" bambam and yugyeom whined but went and played quietly with yoongi. Youngjae carefully sat in a chair, jinyoung made sure he knew how to hold the baby before handing him over. He looked so calm but jinyoung could see his hands shaking a little.

"He really is s-small," jinyoung nodded. Youngjae held him for a while before he started squirming around. Youngjae panicked for a moment and looked quickly towards jinyoung who only chuckled at his panicked face. He was about to start crying when namjoon got him and handed the baby over to seokjin.

"You're probably exhausted, i'll take care of yoongi don't worry," namjoon nodded as seokjin kissed everyone goodbye. Yoongi left reluctantly but he promised he would behave while at his uncle's house.

Seokjin got comfortable and began feeding hoseok. He was so tired but he also couldn't wait to get home. Namjoon ordered him some hospital food and then held seokjins hand. He just couldn't stop staring at them, it was like when they first got yoongi. Namjoon just couldn't tear his eyes away. All of his attention was just on them.

"You know i'm so proud of you, you're so strong and i don't think i tell you enough how proud i am of you and how much i love you," seokjin smiled tiredly at him as hoseok finished. He handed him to namjoon who burped him, seokjin was already getting ready to fall asleep again. Namjoon burped and then put baby hoseok in the bassinet provided for them.

He walked over to a recliner in the corner of the room and sat in it, he was tired too but seokjin needed as much rest as possible. He sat for a moment before he felt his eyes getting heavy with sleep. He woke up abruptly when he felt a tap on his shoulder, a nurse was looking at him with wide eyes as she held a tray of food.

"sorry , i must've fallen asleep," she nodded and after handing him the tray left. namjoon pulled up the little table next to seokjins bed and set the food tray on it. He gently woke up seokjin and encouraged him to eat as much as he could.

"Where's hoseok," namjoon pointed towards the bassinet where their baby was. It was still kind of strange to say that, their baby. It also made his insides feel all warm, every time he thought about his kids, plural, he would get this big goofy smile on his face.

"I'm so happy," seokjin reached towards namjoon. His husband immediately going and cuddling him. He was happy too, he was beyond happy. He was ready to become a father of 2, and hopefully more. He was ready to watch his kids grow and grow old with seokjin.

Yoongi was going to be a wonderful big brother, he always talked to namjoon about being tough and getting stronger so he can protect his baby brother. Seokjin did a wonderful job with teaching yoongi everything he knows now and still teaching him. Seokjin potty trained him, taught him how to write his own name, he did so much and namjoon knew he would do the same with hoseok. Namjoon will learn from his previous mistakes, he'll become a better father for yoongi and hoseok and seokjin. He'll sacrifice everything he has to for his family. He'd do anything for them, and he will never take them for granted.

he was ready to do it all with seokjin.

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