Said we were done, then met someone and rubbed it in my face
Cut to the part, she broke your heart, and then she ran away
I guess you should've known, I guess you should've known
That I would talk, I would talk

I looked back to Dylan and stared straight at him.

But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies
Oh oh oh I really don't care
Even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies
Oh oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really don't care

My gaze was still fixed on Dylan and I think the class began to know that I was singing to him and I walked towards his desk.

I can't believe I ever stayed up writing songs about you
You don't deserve to know the way I used to think about you
Oh no not anymore, oh no not anymore
You had your shot, had your shot, but you let go

I finally got to his desk and sat on his table.

Now if we meet out on the street I won't be running scared
I'll walk right up to you and put one finger in the air

As soon as I sang that I stuck my middle finger up at Dylan and to be honest I couldn't care what Mr Dawson had to say about it.

"Fuck you" Dylan stood up and walked out of the class.

"Ok Elena that's enough" Mr Dawson said bringing me back to my seat.

"What was that?" He asked pissed.

"Hey I sang for you, you never asked why I was singing" I said sitting down.

Dylan come back into class Mr Dawson said running out after Dylan.

"What just happened?" Farrah laughed.

"We used to date" I simply said.


Me Dawson left me off with a warning because I had already been in trouble.

It was now lunch and I sat at the table with my regular group of friends and Farrah and my phone began to ring.

"Hey Dems" I said answering phone.

"Hey little sister" she happily said "What are you up to?"

"I'm just eating lunch. What are you up to?" I asked

"Nothing! you know, I'm just chilling here with CHER listening to an
Uh-Mazing cover of Really Don't Care" she laughed

"Oh no please tell me it's not online" I prayed.

"You should have kicked him in the balls" I heard Cher shout in the background.

"Oh no" I said and Farrah looked to me. "Tell Cher I would have but he walked away"

"Yeah we saw" she laughed "how much trouble are you in?" Demi asked

"None" I replied.

"none?" she said in disbelief.

"Yeah, none! he just gave me a warning and he passed me on my music test" I laughed.

"Oh thank god" she said in relief "I couldn't stand coming into the school and pretend to act like I give a fuck" she sarcastically said making me laugh.

"You love talking to my principle" I joked.

"Yeah, he's just so hot" she laughed.

"Listen, i'll leave you eat and I'll see you when you get home" she said.

Demi Adopts (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now