He gets sick: Louis

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He gets sick: Louis

Ring. Ring. I groaned and rolled over to look at the clock. Who's calling me at seven in the morning? I decided to just let it go to the answering machine. I reached out towards the other side of the bed for my boyfriend, Louis. I felt nothing but the sheets.

Where would Louis be? Oh yeah. I sort of remembered him saying something about going in to work early. I think him and the boys wanted to get some recording in before rehearsals.

Ring. Ring. Ring. God, now my cell phone was ringing. Someone must really want to get ahold of me. Sigh. I waited for the beep that meant they had left a message.

I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Buzz buzz. They texted me too. I realized that I really had to pee. Ill just run to the bathroom and then I'll see who's calling.

When I came back and picked up my phone, I was shocked to see that I had 2 voicemails and 6 text messages.

The first message was from Louis 'just got to rehearsals... I don't feel good :('

Then another one from Louis 'baby I really feel sick. My tummy hurts :'('

Harry said 'Lou's not feeling well'

Liam said 'pour Lou. he looks miserable'

Zayn said 'hey (y/n) were trying to fest modest to let Lou go home'

Then the last one, from Niall said 'Lou just puked. Can you come get him? Please?'

Aww pour Louis!! I quickly got dressed, rushing out the door while texting Niall back. 'I'm on my way'

When I got to the recording studio, Hardy came out, grabbing my arm, and pulling me inside.

"He's been asking for you for the past half hour," Harry told me.

Then he pulled me into a bathroom. The sight before me broke my heart. Zayn and Liam were both leaning casually against the wall, looking down sympathetically.

In the corner, was Niall, sitting cross cross, with poor Louis laying across his lap, running his fingers through Lou's hair. Louis looked absolutely miserable. He had tear streaks down his face and he was shivering in Niall's lap.

I knelt down next to him and stroked his cheek gently. "Hey Lou, lets get you home," I said softly. Niall helped him sit up. Harry grabbed under his knees and around his back, lifting him up.

Lou curled up into Harry's chest, and it was adorable. Harry took him out to the car and set him in the passenger seat. I reached across him and loosely buckled his seatbelt.

"Thanks guys, I'll take it from here," I told the boys. "Hang in there Lou. We'll be home in a few minutes love," I said to Louis

By the time I dragged him inside, we were exhausted. We both laid down on the couch ad fell asleep instantly

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